Life Advice and Happenings

Rapper on Instagram posting Domestic Fight – 10/25/2020

So a pretty well known rapper has been cataloging and posting videos on a fight he’s having with his baby’s mother. He’s showing what she, apparently under the influence of wine, is saying to him and what he’s saying to her.  She’s basically complaining about what she perceives as neglect on his part and he is calling her all out of her name. I’m not judging because I’ve been there, but I think that people need to stop talking so negatively to each other. I mentioned in a comment on one of this posts that they have done studies where they take two plants and one they say negative things to it regularly, and the other they say positive motivational things to it. The plant they say negative things to withers and dies and the plant they uplift grows and does extremely well. We are exactly like this. The Bible says that your tongue has the power to give life or give death. Everything in this universe vibrates on a frequency. Your body is vibrating on a frequency. Your home wifi or cell signal is on a certain frequency, that these tech companies use to send data on. Negative words, particularly curse or vulgar words are so negatively charged that they have a bad effect on the entity they are being directed towards. We have to start uplifting each other and loving each other. My wife and I still get into disagreements, but I refuse to curse at her anymore. She hasn’t gotten fully onboard with that yet, but she’s trying and that’s all I can ask from her at this point. Remember that your words are powerful.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Spiderman’s Uncle Ben