Sorry for the page going down for a bit…

So I hadn’t checked my site in a while, and I guess my payment method wasn’t working for my web hosting service. I got it squared away though and the site is back up. Not much new to report. MPC 3.0 has finally come out of beta and is in it’s “gold” or “final” version. It’s pretty tight and Akai has actually collaborated with Native Instruments to bring some plugins from NI’s “Play” series to the MPC standalone universe. It’s pretty cool and I’m definitely hyped for it.

I’ve been working on music more, and I want to start adding lyrics to my beats. I know I’ve probably said that in the past, but it’s very difficult for me to find the time and motivation to do it. After work I’m usually so tired that I just gel at my computer desk and MAYBE work on music a bit here and there. A lot of times I don’t even touch my DJ setup. I usually try to wake up in the AM and get some beatmaking and scratching/djing in before work.

I really wish I could find more time to spend on my MPC and DJ setup. This weekend coming up I have a 4 day weekend which, even though I have things to take care of, should give me more time to work on my music as well as some other things I’ve been wanting to tap into. With that said, after that 4 day weekend is up, its back to the grind again where I have to spend majority of my time working and not doing what I really want to do. Ah well, such is life right?

I’m really glad my website didn’t get deleted because of missed payment, and I’m going to start posting more on here. I have some reviews I need to get up in my reviews section and some spirituality stuff to talk (type) about as well. Peace to you reader and I hope you have a good rest of the week. L8r.

The technology among us…

So technology is pretty interesting. Human beings have made so many strides in tech over the last 100 years its incredible. Not only that, but the tech average citizens have access to pales in comparison to what the US government and other entities like that have access to.

Word is, they have accessed Stargates and are able to travel between dimensions and things of that nature. They have weapons that can induce a heart attack in a person from afar. A normal healthy person at that. They have weapons that can microwave you from the inside out. I also believe that they have the tech to alter space-time.

I saw a video with a young caucasian boy. It was very obvious from the way he carried himself and the way he spoke that he was an extremely intelligent person. He was discussing the “Mandela Effect” and what causes it. Basically he was saying that “they” were smashing atoms around at the great hadron collider, and they accidentally shifted us into a different dimension, where things are different. There are probably an infinite number of parallel universes that exist along side the one we’re in.

It can be mind boggling to think about, but the universe those of us that are living started in got destroyed in “them” messing with atoms. We then shifted in the the closest parallel universe, and in this universe, Sinbad never played as “Shazam“, but it was Shaquille O’Neal. That’s very interesting to think about, and it can really bake your noodle trying to wrap your head around it.

The point of this blog entry is to say that technology is here and it’s very dangerous. A lot of it has to deal with controlling or destroying the human form in some way. Us as GOD fearing, striving to be righteous people; we need to do our best to understand the technology at play in this reality we’re in. We need to do our research and understand the animal we’re up against as time goes along and cyborgs and robots become a thing.

I don’t have the answer, but I definitely want to stay in the loop on what’s going on and what might exist in the shadows that we aren’t privy to. That’s better than being ignorant and completely unaware of the machinations at play in this matrix we’re in. Peace, love, and light to you reader. Stay blessed.

The power of the Pyramid

So I bought a pyramid many months back off It’s a pyramid that goes on top of your head and is meant to be used in meditation and healing. I have to be honest with you, I feel a difference after I wear it for a while. I think it heals my brain or something like that. The reason I got it is because I’ve seen videos of people using it, and if you put an apple inside the pyramid, and leave it on the counter next to an apple outside of the pyramid, the apple in the pyramid will not spoil like the one outside does.

The people of Ancient Kemet, or Egypt, understood the power of the pyramid shape and used it in their daily life. The Great Pyramid of Giza was most likely some type of power source that may have even healed the populace in it’s heyday. Most people are not aware of the power of the pyramid, and they don’t utilize it. GOD created that power and we should use it to our advantage as best we can. I wear my pyramid on my head when I’m at home, or when I’m driving into work, and on my breaks at work. It keeps me from feeling negative and helps me maintain a positive outlook on life.

I am going to post a video onto my Youtube channel where I talk about it and how it has helped me out as of late. People need to look at our past to discover how we should move into the future. There are things in this world that most of us are not privy to because we’re not taught it and we don’t have the mind to ponder anything outside of the norm. There’s “magic” in this world, and it was put here by the creator. It would be wise for the good people of mankind to utilize this power, because the wicked people are definitely using the dark side of that power on us. Peace, love, and light to you reader. Have a great start to your work week.

New Years Resolutions

So it’s 2025 now and a brand new year. Well at least according to the Gregorian calendar. The “real” new year is in March/April, when Spring comes and the actual world refreshes itself and regrows tree leaves, plants, etc. Anyway, going off the status quo new year, I have different resolutions I want to stick to. I want to work on my music more seriously. DJing and beatmaking need to be something I focus on much more.

Getting rid of the distractions of Youtube and Twitch are very important to me accomplishing that goal. I spend way to much time on those platforms and I need to make sure that if I’m on Youtube it’s because I’m sculping my own channel and trying to get more subs. I will get this done and I will get my music and DJing popping a lot more.

Another thing I want to do is reach out to more people in SoCal who are into making music and Djing. I want to make friends in that space and learn and grow with other people. I’m thinking maybe I can use social media to find those types of people. We’ll see what happens. I trust that GOD will guide me in this endeavor and help me get to where I want to be.

Also, I want to improve myself as an IT professional. I know I need to take classes and learn different skills. We’ll see what happens with that, but it is something I’d like to do with my free time. IT is the career GOD has put me in, so I need to be the best I can be within it. I’m going to ask my supervisor at work if I can get back onto the Udemy account at work. That or I’ll sub to Coursera with a monthly sub and start taking courses on there again. We’ll see what happens. Peace, love, and light to you reader. Stay up.

Happy New Year!

Well it’s the 1st day of 2025. I pray that this year is a blessed year for everyone. I’m looking forward to what the new year will bring. I’d like to get out of California this year and possibly move to Connecticut with my wife, or some place else that has a cheaper cost of living. Also, I’d like to move some place less crowded. There’s too many people trying to do the same thing at the same time here in Cali.

Prayerfully we can make our escape and get to a quieter pace of life. I know I still have to work for quite a few more years, but my wife is getting closer to retirement age so maybe we could live some place safe, where I could handle the bills and she could retire and go on social security and we’d be fine.

I want to keep making my music as well as DJing. I’m watching a Masterclass video my brother got me for Christmas from Questlove. He’s talking about DJing and curating music playlists and its an interesting video course. A lot of what he’s talking about I already know and understand, but it’s cool to see someone like hims take on the art of Djing.

Hopefully I can connect with some more people this year in the DJing and beatmaking space and get some allies/comrades I can share my love for those things with. Here’s to a great 2025 and beyond!