Working on a New Beat Tape….

So I’m working on a 7 track beat tape to bring out in a month or two. I want it to be high quality and to be the best work I’ve done to date. Right now I have about two tracks done that still need a little bit of work. It’s a lot of fun and gives me something to look forward to and a goal to work on. I’m using all royalty free samples so I can sell it and maybe put it on Distrokid for release on different platforms. I’m going to advertise it on my Instagram and Twitter pages. I’m still not looking to be famous or make a lot of money with music, but it’s just something fun to do. We’re all sitting around trying to make the time go buy as we live out our lives and having goals is something productive to do with it.

I would never want to be famous like Kanye West or someone like that. That seems like a miserable life and I can’t understand why someone would want to attain that. What an ego you must have to feel that you should be looked at above or heard over other people. I wouldn’t mind money like Kanye’s, but I wouldn’t live an extravagant life. I’d buy a nice modest house somewhere and no one around me would know just how much money I had. My cars would be everyday average cars with the most extravagant one being a Tesla or Mustang GT or something. I wouldn’t want a Lamborgini or Ferrari. Those cars put a target on your back. I gather there are people out there who look to damage those cars on purpose out of jealousy or hate when they see them in a grocery store or other parking lot. I’ve seen Ferrari’s parked in some of the weirdest places before.

Back to music, I’m looking forward to seeing how this beat tape turns out. I’ll mention it here as well once I’m done making it, although I don’t know how many people visit this page as I never check the metrics on it. This page is just my little blog that I like to write on from time to time. It’s linked from my Bandcamp page which I’ve given out to a few people, so I’m sure some people have checked it out maybe. That’s it for today. Take care of yourselves, stay blessed, and keep GOD and the music in your life. L8r!

Life is Grand….

It’s been a minute since I updated this blog, but I’m posting now. I was recently diagnosed with a pretty serious health condition, as well as having some deaths in the family that hit us pretty hard. I’m doing ok health wise now, but I have to keep pressing and trying to get better and take good care of myself. Music has been a huge help in me dealing with things lately. As it has been said, “Music is medicine”. It’s medicine for the soul I feel, and between Djing and making beats, I get a lot of fulfillment and relaxation from both practices. I recently picked up a Roland SP404 mk2 and I’ve fallen in love with it. It’s much more portable than my MPC One, albeit having less bells and whistles. I can still make a good beat on it though and I’ve picked up the workflow very quickly.

I kind of feel like I have an intelligence level where I can learn pretty much anything to a serviceable level. Some people really struggle with learning new things. I wouldn’t say they are stupid, they just don’t connect the dots as quickly as others and have to be walked step by step through every little thing. Because I have the type of intelligence that lets me learn quickly, I’m not going to be accepting the minimum wage for a particular job anymore. 10/10 I’m going to be one of the better performing employees, and I’ll pick up the companies workflow and system quickly and become very efficient at it. For that alone I deserve to be paid the maximum wage offered. It’s very hard as an employer to find competent people who know how to utilize common sense. On my next job interview, the mission will be to convey what I just said to the interviewer without coming off arrogant or pompous.

Me and my wife are looking to move to the east coast soon to be closer to her family. My stepdaughter and step grandson. Time will tell if that comes to fruition. I am tired of paying these ridiculous rents and gas prices here on the West Coast though. For what I pay for a SMALL one bedroom apartment I could afford a house somewhere else. I’ll try to update the page a bit more often and add some more reviews and beef up the spirituality section. I plan on talking about spirituality a lot more. We are all on the journey to being better versions of ourselves, and that includes me. Til next time…..