Street Fighter 6

So I’ve been trying to get back into gaming a bit as another side hobby. I was playing Street Fighter 5 pretty tough for a while there some few years back, but I dropped it because it was so frustrating, and I still hadn’t developed many coping mechanisms to deal with stress and frustration that would arise from it not working properly, the lag, and the way people behaved online. I have those coping mechanisms now, mainly meditation and also this new game has fixed a lot of the nagging issues that were present in SF5. For one it runs great online. You can literally be on the West Coast of the USA and play someone in Europe without much noticeable lag. I’m not sure if it’s the Resident Evil Engine they are using (as opposed to the Unreal Engine) or if they just had better programming from the jump, but the game runs great. People still do lame stuff like spam attacks or win-quit you, but I’ve decided not to let it bother me.

Music and DJing are still my main hobbies, but I will jump into training mode in SF6 from time to time to practice moves and also play online as well. I had been mainly playing as Dhalsim, the Yoga character that spits fire and has rubberman like limbs, but I don’t like how he plays in this version of the game. I prefer Ryu, the traveling warrior who seeks the challenge of battle and finds his self worth and understanding of others in combat. I’m pretty good with him so far, as I got to play him in the demo and beta versions of the game more than any other character. Capcom has sold A TON of copies of this game, I believe it’s already over 1 million+, so they have made the top prize for the winner of Capcom Cup next year a cool 1 million dollars! That’s crazy and whoever wins that money will be very fortunate and blessed. It’s not going to be easy, as people who weren’t playing Street Fighter are now playing solely with the mission of winning that money at the end of the season. There’s going to be a lot of competition and its going to hard fought for sure.

If I can get good enough, fast enough, I wouldn’t be opposed to entering that tournament to try my hand at that dough! My djing and music production will always come first, but if I get as good as I had gotten in SF5 at one point, I’ll make a run at it! I was thinking of opening up a comment section for these different blog posts to see if anyone is reading and if they are interested in the site at all. I plan on posting some more reviews soon, and as I had previously promised, I need to beef up the spirituality section with more information and thoughts. Hopefully I can do all that as the site goes on. Take care and be blessed!


What’s up readers! I’m just chilling over here. I’m enjoying DJing on my DJ setups and although I haven’t been on my MPC One or SP 404 mk2 too hard, I’m making slow but sure progress on my beat tape. I’m going to record my latest song to a wav file by the end of this weekend and start on a new track by this Monday afternoon coming up. I have tried to start streaming a bit more on my Twitch channel and Mixcloud channel. It’s hard to get viewers in though. I looked at the Music category on Twitch one day and there’s like 100 streams with 1 viewer in it, lol. That 1 viewer is usually the streamer watching their own stream to make sure it’s broadcasting properly and to be in the chat to interact with people and respond to messages. I remember there was this one dude I used to follow, he never had any viewers and I discovered his channel one day by looking for the channel at the very end of the channel list. I was his only viewer really for quite a long while. He stopped streaming and I wonder what happened to that cat. He had a lot of emotional issues and was fighting depression.

He wouldn’t get a job and his girlfriend had dumped him and kicked him out. Then his mom kicked him out because he wouldn’t get a job and would only sit up playing video games all day. Finally he got a job, but something happened with the people there where he got into an altercation with someone and got let go. Sometimes we have down seasons in life, but I always think about that dude and hope he bounces back. Maybe one-day I’ll see his stream live again and he’ll tell me all about the bad times he went through and how he pushed through it and is working, has a family now, or something like that. Prayers up to the forgotten knight.

Anyway, I’m still looking for work and trying to be healthy for the most part. GOD is still on his throne, and although it appears satan is running this world, the Lord will move in on his own time. As I always say, GOD is never early, never late, but always right on time! Peace and blessing unto you reader and stay up. L8r….

Life is Grand!!!

In spite of my health issues I’m feeling pretty happy right now. Music helps a lot with any depression that I could possibly be feeling. DJing and making beats takes me out of my head and gives me something to strive for and focus on. I’d like to get a new 100% remote/work-from-home gig at some point, so I can do more of the things I need to do on my own without the help of family or any other sources. There are times where I feel like I’m being setup by certain people, but at this point I don’t care anymore. I see in the Gangstalking Reddit that a lot of people feel this way, and I don’t deny there’s something going on, but it’s a lot bigger than an individual so why stress about it?

People who target others and deny them a way to earn a living or try to judge them for things are going to face an extreme karma at some point in their life. That’s why I’m trying to live a non-judgmental life. Meaning, I don’t hold any judgements towards other people. We all make mistakes especially when we are young and dumb, and the way this society is, it breeds and programs people to do a lot of the things they do. Young men of all races listen to rap songs where the rapper glorifies not being faithful in a relationship, or abusing drugs, etc. It’s no wonder the youth of today are so troubled.

I have some methods of finding ways to relax and contemplate on our society and I feel they have been very beneficial as of late. We aren’t told a lot of things about how our reality works. People don’t understand that “the word” or “the tongue” is very powerful. You can speak things into existence. We saw it happen with Tupac and Notorious BIG right before our eyes. They both talked about death and dying violently and sure enough, they met that fate. You have to speak positivity into your world. Speak favor from GOD and speak towards a better version of yourself. Say it 3 times, 3 times a day for 30 days and see if you don’t see a change. Nikola Tesla said if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, look into the power of the numbers 3, 6, and 9. That exercise I just mentioned keys in on that.

If anyone reads this website, I hope to start adding more information about meditation and self improvement, as I do it myself. We all want peace and to coexist with our neighbors. Keep pushing for that, and speak it into reality. Take care of yourselves….