Sega Dreamcast back up and running!!!

So a few weeks back I picked up a Dreamcast HDMI adapter box. The one I got lets you connect the Dreamcast in either Composite or VGA mode which pretty much opens up every game in the library. I mainly only have Fighting games for it, and I have all the good ones. 3rd Strike, CvS 2, Virtua Fighter 3TB, Garou: MoTW, Soul Calibur, and MvC 2. It’s pretty cool being able to play my Sega Dreamcast on my modern monitors in 4:3 mode. It looks amazing and it’s the best $25 I’ve ever spent.

I was just playing Soul Calibur 1 for Dreamcast and I was tripping out with how good the game still looks, and what a great game it is. That game is literally a fighting game masterpiece, and they haven’t really been able to re-capture it’s magic with all the sequels that have come out for it. I remember when it first hit arcades in the 90s, and in 1999/2000 when you could play it on a Dreamcast and it was pretty much an arcade perfect port… it was incredible. I played the game with my friend Jason a bunch of times and we had a blast.

The Sega Dreamcast was really ahead of it’s time. It was the first to do online gaming. They had a Sega “Network” similar to what Xbox would do with Xbox Live. It’s too bad people weren’t ready for it at that time in 1999. It’s an amazing system and I feel blessed to have one in working condition. I look forward to the day I can play some of the games with my step-grandson and share with him the lore of how awesome the console was when it first dropped, but how it ultimately failed because it was too ahead of its time.

I’m gonna go work on some beats now, but if you ever get a chance to cop a Dreamcast, do so. It’s an important piece of electronics history, and they hold up pretty well too. L8r..

Time evaporation…

Man I swear, it seems like time flies by so fast when you’re at home and trying to do what you want to do. At work, time slowly crawls by, but at home with all your toys, you look up and its time to go to bed. Usually though, you end up falling asleep at your desk, on the couch, or in your favorite chair. If you work every day, you’re probably extremely tired after work, and it’s very difficult to do anything else but recover to be able to attack the next day.

The older you get the worse it gets, especially if you aren’t in the best of shape. I remember back in the day when I was younger, I would stay up all night playing Quake until the wee hours of the AM. This is when I was like 15 or 16 years old. Now I can’t imagine staying up that damn late. I’d be no good the next day with 1 or two hours of sleep.

I think the play is to submit to the tiredness at the end of the day. Go to sleep early, then wake up early the next day and do your hobbies and stuff then before work. You’ll be rested and can go to 24 hour fitness the gym, or you’ll be rested and can work on your Djing or beatmaking. You can work on your painting or drawing. I love feeling like I’m the only one up at 4am and I have 4 hours before I have to start working. Being able to work from home can help a lot, because you don’t have a 30 min to 1 hour commute.

Where does the time go though? The old adage says that “Time flies when you’re having fun”. Work really isn’t fun, so that explains why the time crawls. What if you could make work fun though? Find ways to enjoy your job and the people associated with it. That’s another play I think would be helpful to us working folks.

Anyway, this was just a quick rant of something on my mind, and I wanted to put a new post up. Have a good rest of the week, happy hump day, and be blessed. L8r!

Getting busy on the MPC Key 61…

So I’ve been putting in a lot of work on my MPC Key 61. I’ve uploaded two songs to Distrokid in the last week. I went digging for samples on Tracklib last night and found another good sample that I started a beat with. I’m really enjoying using the MPC Key 61 with MPC 3.0 software. The workflow is easy to use and its a lot of fun.

I’ve been scratching and juggling when I find the time, but I definitely need to make sure I get on my decks more often. I don’t want to lose either skill of beatmaking or djing. For me, those two things are major joys in my life. I love looking for samples online and in record stores. That’s a part of the zen process of beatmaking for me. I am reading a book about sample based beatmaking, and they talk about how digging for sounds/samples is a very important part of the process. It’s an older book so it’s mainly talking about going to record stores and buying vinyl, but these days, you can “dig” online on sites like Tracklib and Splice.

I don’t know what I would do without my MPC Key 61 or SP 404 mk2. Those two devices are very important to me and they are keeping me in a decent space mentally. Music really is important for the soul, and when you make it, its even better than just listening to it. You feel like you’re a part of a tradition and you have contributed to a massive hive mind of music. I don’t really advertise my music, so it’s mainly just a hobby, but I enjoy the fact that a few people have purchased my songs and listened to them.

Maybe once I start adding lyrics to my songs, I’ll advertise them more on Facebook, Instagram, X, and other social media outlets. Hopefully I can use my writing talents to write good music an that it will be cool and refreshing. I want my lyrics to be “about something”, and not just nonsense or debase topics like a lot of emcees talk about these days. We’ll see if I can find the time/motivation to write decent rhymes. Maybe I’ll work on it this weekend with this current beat I’m cooking up. I’ll see you next time!