Physical Fitness

Hey what’s up? Happy Friday! So I’ve decided I really want to buckle down and get in peak physical condition. I’m already doing crunches/situps as well as pushups, walking, lifting weights, and other calisthenics. I need to reign my diet in though. I gotta stop eating Twizzlers, Happy Cherries, and the occasional bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos. I don’t eat that stuff all the time, but I want to cut it out completely. I’ve also started messing with drinking soda again after leaving it alone for a long time. Gotta get rid of that again too. I’d like to get to a point of shape where I could go play some basketball and really get busy once this COVID mess subsides. I’ve been able to quit smoking and vaping so my lungs and heart are ready for me to really start pushing the limit. I’m concerned about running too much on the concrete because that is very bad for your knees. I’d like to start swimming and use the elliptical mainly for my cardio. Time will tell, but I’m going to start punching things into high gear fitness wise. I’m decently fit now, but I wanna get pro-athlete shape. Peace and stay up!

Dj Gear Fixed!!

So my DJ gear problems have been resolved… by me! So basically, the Numark Scratch mixer had a problem with it’s fader which I was trying to get a replacement for but none would ever work in it. I realized the issue is most likely the connector cable that goes from the Scratch motheroard to the crossfader. I was able to solder together two wire sets and use it in the mixer. I was able to get that fixed and now the crossfader works in the Numark Scratch mixer. I also got one of my mini Innofader Pros to work in the Ch2 fader position of the Reloop Elite mixer. Even thought the Scratch is my secondary mixer, it was important to me to have it be in good working order and cutting properly with the crossfader. Both mixers work fine now and I don’t need to have a replacement fader sent out to me. Just calibrated the Innofaders and they work fine now. Again as I said, the main thing with the Scratch mixer was that bad cable. I plan on putting up a video showing people how to make that cable if needed and how to calibrate the Innofaders on my Youtube channel. I’m mixing and scratching on the Numark Scratch right now and it’s working great. Peace out and it sucks how fast this weekend flew by. Back to work on Monday yet again. It could be worse though. L8r!!

Mixer Troubles

Long time no see. Sorry I haven’t updated lately. Been busy with work and life. Anyway, I had some trouble with my Reloop Elite mixer recently. The channel 2 fader is having issues, well actually it was the cross fader, so I swapped the channel 2 fader to the crossfader position, then I put a mini Innofader standard from my Numark Scratch into the channel 2 fader position on the Elite. It works fine but if I turn the mixer off, it won’t boot up with the Innofader standard in it. I have to get a mini Innofader Pro to replace the channel 2 fader with I think. It really sucks and it seems like any old fader won’t do or work in the Reloop Elite. That’s kind of disappointing. The Innofader Pro is great and it’s only $50 bucks on Amazon, but if I wanted to use an Innofader Pro 2 I can’t use it it seems and the PNP 2 you have to have a certain one. One with the red sticker on the package. Anyway it’s been quite an ordeal dealing with this and I spent all of Friday evening messing around with it trying to get it fixed. I tried messaging Sweetwater to see if they’d send me a replacement fader but they are not answering too quickly. It’s the weekend for them so I’m not surprised. Well I got the mixer working (kinda) for now so I’ll just rock with it I guess. Peace and I’ll post what Sweetwater says about getting me a new fader. L8z!

Another Wednesday in the Books!

Today was another Wednesday. Hump Day… the middle of the week. I’m not sure why we look forward to the weekend so much or why some people stress about that. The weekend flies by so quick and it’s right back to work on Monday. Learn how to find happiness no matter what day of the week it is and find joy in the challenges and triumphs you face each day. I work in a service industry full time, and although it’s not my ideal work I’d like to be doing, I’m trying to teach myself to take joy in the overcoming of issues each day. I work in a technical field and I’m a right brain person. Right brain people are more creative and we’d be good musicians, counselors, or managers of some sort. We have active imaginations and tend to daydream a lot. That’s definitely me. The field I’m working in is meant for a left brain person, which is why I don’t feel content in it. Hopefully some day soon I’ll find my true calling, and although I’m not miserable working everyday, it would be nice to LOOK FORWARD, to going to work. You should do the same. Peace and blessings to you.

Quick Update and Happy Friday!!

Hey! Happy Friday to all!! So I just wanted to share that I’m working on selling some DJ gear/accessories online. I won’t go into Detail on what it is but I have a prototype and it’s fairly simple. No moving parts. I’m trying to figure out how to get them mass produced and how to sell them online. I’ll post an update once it’s ready to go live. This is just a little fun side thing I’m trying to do. I have no intention or expectation to get rich off this. Money don’t mean that much to me… it’s a means to an end. Money helps me buy some things that I can enjoy myself with.. mainly music and DJ equipment.  I’m pretty excited about it and hope to have more information on it soon. Keep pushing, keep dreamin’, and keep livin’.  Start reading your Bible and come to Christ. That’s the best advice I could give anyone. Peace and stay black (you know….).

Happy Hump Day…..

So in this post I just wanted to talk about my current state of Djing.  I work full time but I am able to listen to my music all day while I’m working.  I’d really like to get proficient at scratching but it takes a lot of time and effort and I’m trying to enjoy listening to music, mix music, occasionally make a beat, write a book, read and study God’s word, help my wife, do house chores and so forth. It’s very difficult to keep up with all that and sometimes it feels like there’s not enough hours in the day. I’ll admit I slack off a lot and get caught up watching Youtube videos, but I rotate what I focus on quite often. For a while there I was practicing scratching every day and putting a lot of effort into it. I was figuring I could probably get like a daily planner and really dole out my day to myself but that would feel extremely regimented and almost military like which, like most people, I don’t care for. I prefer to “play it by ear” when it comes to what I’m doing at the moment. As long as I’m not up to no good, I feel like I’m doing alright. I watch some people who are really good at scratching and I know it just takes years and years to get to that level so I guess I have to just be patient and keep making an effort. I may try to post a short clip of myself scratching so a visitor to this site can see where I am with it. What are some things you’d like to accomplish, whether Djing related or not? Let me know in a comment if you can. Peace!