Focus on your life more…

So as we move towards the end of 2024, the entire year has been filled with distractions… P-Diddy, Kat Williams on Club Shay Shay, Ukraine vs Russia, and Israel vs. Palestine (Hamas). All of those things, believe it or not, cause subconscious anxiety, fear, and angst. If you follow them too closely and allow yourself to get invested in them, they have a negative affect on your well being.

My advice is to focus on your life and the lives of those around you that you care about. Don’t worry about what’s going on with these people in the spotlight, because it doesn’t affect your day to day life. Make sure you are taking care of your business and helping your friends and family take care of theirs. What is going on with some uber-rich celebrity has little to no bearing on what’s going on with you.

Keep pushing forward with yourself and trying to improve yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be a celebrity of some type, and you can let other people know how you got to that money and notoriety by putting in hard work and focusing on self improvement. Money and “fame” are not barometers of success, so don’t make that your goal. With whatever it is you are doing, just do your best at it and try to be a top performer at it. It’s hard with day to day life… sometimes to find the energy… sometimes to find the interest, but even still, give it all you’ve got.

GOD helps those who help themselves is a saying, that’s not in the Bible, but it is very true I believe. If it’s within his plan, and you are on the same page as him, you’ll succeed in what it is you’re trying to do. It’s Saturday night as I write this, and I wish you a great rest of the weekend, and a good week moving forward. Peace, love, and light to my readers. L8r!

Puffin’ Newports..cause life’s a b*$@! and it’s too short…

So life has been a trip lately. Our car was having issues which caused me to miss some time from work and it was a pain in the butt to get repaired. Then we had a leak in the ceiling of our bottom floor apartment, which is requiring the entire bathroom area be demoed and re-done. As if that wasn’t enough, our poor little doggo Maggie started having seizures this past Saturday. Saturday was the first one myself and my wife noticed, but she’s had 3 more since then.

They seem to occur when she gets excited about food or going out and things like that. I’m not sure what is causing it, because we’ve had her for years without this issue. I did change her flea medication from Nexgard to K9 Advantix, and I’m wondering if that could be the cause. I feel so bad for her when she’s had them these past few days, because I can tell it scares her.

We need to take her to the vet, but money is tight and the vet is going to run you through the ringer with fees for different things. It really sucks. I ordered some Charlotte’s Web CBD dog chews that should hopefully be here by Wednesday, that I will give to her twice a day to see if it helps her. CBD, a component of hemp, has been shown to help people and animals that experience seizures.

The company that sells the products, Charlotte’s Web, is actually named after a little girl named Charlotte that had seizures very bad, and the CBD was the ONLY thing that would give her any relief and let her live a semi-normal life. I hope it helps Maggie, because I don’t want to see her go through that.

Life is crazy, and this type of “series of unfortunate events” is what makes so many people online and on Youtube feel like we are living in some type of hellish realm. I can think of one channel in particular where the guy feels that GOD is evil and his intent is to torture us all with these different bad things that keep happening in our lives. I don’t think GOD is some evil child holding a magnifying glass in the sun over us ants, but I often do wonder why we experience so much negativity and hardship in our lives.

There’s a lot of things I kind of have a grasp on, and a lot I don’t. I do believe we all get tested in life, no matter what walk of life we are in. From someone whose homeless on the street, to the King or Prince in a high castle, we all have things in life that test our morals, resolve, discipline, and values. The point is to pass those tests and be the best version of you that you can be. It’s not easy, but understanding that fact can go a long way towards helping you in the effort. Take it easy and have a great rest of the week. Peace….

My GOD…..

So I was watching a video of this brother from Africa talking about how he agrees with “the devil’s” side of the story. He is basically of the belief that we are living in a hell realm as he calls it, and says that GOD is not what we think he is. I believe that this realm is not, in its current state, functioning the way GOD intended. It’s been co-opted by the evil one and his followers. Also, I believe that a lot of the notions that have been pushed about GOD are not true. GOD does not want you to “fear” him. Any entity that wants you to live in fear is not of GOD. GOD is love, peace, mercy, and grace.

I think that the people in general have been led down a path that makes them very ignorant to truths and more accepting of the programming of this “matrix” we are in. You have men that are truly convinced that it’s acceptable to have side girlfriends outside of their wife. They believe that if their wife won’t “put out” that they have the right to go to another woman to get the satisfaction they “deserve” from women. The notion that having intercourse is as required as oxygen is simply not true. There are monks who go for many years without relations with women. How do they do this? Because they have discipline. They aren’t “tail hounds” and they don’t obsess over such things. There was a time on this planet, I believe, when all men had that type of mentality. They knew the magic and power of intercourse with a woman, and they held it as something sacred to partake in with their wife, particularly in the goal of creating offspring.

This world we live in right now, they sell sex and perversities like it’s a commodity. People have no idea about how things really work. I won’t pretend that I know it all, but I do have some understanding from reading certain things and paying attention to my surroundings. I don’t believe that GOD is responsible or accepting of the world we see around us in this current state. He doesn’t agree with sex trafficking. He doesn’t agree with flaunting your sexuality for the world to see. He doesn’t agree with the greed of a lot of the corporations that operate today. He doesn’t agree with people working every day, only to not own much, be constantly tired, and have little free time to pursue their own creativity. This is my belief. Just like someone might believe GOD would send a person who is “gay” (hat he allowed to exist & experience the things they experienced) to hell. I don’t believe that, but just like someone else CAN believe that, I CAN believe what I just said he doesn’t agree with.

So many people are only concerned with themselves. They live their life every day and never once think to understand anything going on outside of their own little world. They’ve heard of the fact that hundreds if not thousands of Latino children, that were separated from their parents at the boarder some years back, have not been accounted for and not returned to their parents. Who knows what has happened to those children and what they are experiencing right now. Last we were told, they were being kept in cages of a sort and their parents were not with them. That was all over the internet for a bit and then… poof… like magic it went away and I doubt most people knew about it or even if they did know, they don’t think about it ever. People never ask themselves why are children so important to the people that do evil in this world? More importantly their blood. Someone made a video, I believe on Tik Tok, where they put together a ton of clips of celebrities saying they drink or use the blood of children to keep a youthful appearance. Why isn’t that video on major media outlets?

I won’t pretend to completely understand GOD, but I do know that where he sits, according to scripture, it hasn’t been much time that all of these things have been going on here in the earth realm. I hope he moves swiftly and quickly to turn things around and get the human race back on track. For the people who recognize it, we are tired of seeing all this wickedness go on in the world around us. We want a change, and we ask GOD that either he fix it for us, or please give us the power and knowledge to fix it ourselves. L8r…

Time consumed…

Man, time is so fleeting! I feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do with myself. Honestly, I wish I didn’t have to go to sleep. If I could skip sleeping, I’d have all the time I need to do what it is I want to do and go to work in the day time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way and you need sleep in order to function properly the next day. As it is, I really don’t get enough sleep to perform optimally.

I often find myself slightly scatter brained and doing things I probably wouldn’t do if I could get 9+ hours of sleep each night in bed. Sometimes I fall asleep at my desk at home and that’s not rejuvenating sleep at all. It’s not until I lay down in the bed that I feel I’m really resting and recovering from the activity of the day. But you know how it is. I want to stay up and DJ, or make beats, or watch people on Twitch/Youtube, or play my Playstation, etc. I even get up around 4:30am each AM so I can have some time to do some of those things before I have to head to my wage slavery.

I get the feeling that even people who are celebrities aren’t truly free. From the outside looking in, it looks like they have a lot of money and are living the life of Riley, but it’s not that at all. A lot of them have to participate in things they don’t want to. They are constantly dependent on the public “buying” their brand so they can stay relevant. A musician is only as good as their last album, or as the elites who control them say they can be. I won’t get conspiratorial, but they probably have to participate in things they really would rather not in order to stay in the graces of the “overseers”. That might explain why so many are drug and alcohol addicts.

Anyway, I’m grateful for everything in my life that doesn’t bring me displeasure. I hope that one day I can get a bit more of my time back. When I was working remotely during COVID, I was a lot happier. It wasn’t so bad being able to work at my home around my stuff and having more time to sleep in before I got to my computer to get to it. I could walk my dog Maggie more often and I could pet my feline Lucille and that kept them happy. I was able to make coffee for my wife in the AM and go to the grocery store on my lunch break to get add-ons for dinner that night. Maybe I should look for a remote position to find some of that happiness again in that regard.

It’s hump day Wednesday, and we’re almost to the weekend. Thanks for coming through and reading this. Stay safe, stay blessed, and keep looking for the truth about our reality and existence. Have a great rest of the week reader…

MPC Swap – Key 61 for Live 2!!!

So I swapped out MPCs. I sold my MPC Live 2 which was in pristine condition with the original box and items, and picked up the MPC Key 61. The MPC Key 61 is basically a modern MPC with a 61 key keyboard integrated into it. It’s a full on music workstation that has the usual 16 Akai drum pads on it. I’m in love with it. It’s an amazing piece of gear and I’m geeked to be using it. It even works as a midi controller attached to my PS5 and using the music learning app Rocksmith plus. I can play the keyboard a little bit, but I’d like to become very proficient at it. I’m taking a break from the Rocksmith game/app to write up this post.

The Key 61 has a ton of shortcut buttons on it and it’s really easy to navigate the MPC OS when using it. It has a touch-strip which makes it really easy to initiate effects and things like that when making beats. You can plug in Sustain, Expression, and Footswitch pedals at the same time. I happen to have all 3, and I use them when needed. You can also install a SSD into the bottom of it and keep all of your files and samples on it with a large drive. It also has USB ports where you can plug in a USB drive should you need to move files around with that. You can also plug XLR speakers or mics into it, and it even has +48v phantom power for condenser mics!

All in all, it’s a very nice music device and I feel grateful to have it. I’ve already started 3 beats on it, and the one I was working on today I’m going to record out and upload to my Bandcamp page by this coming Tuesday. I may even push it through on my Distrokid. When the rest of the world is yammering about what’s going with Donald Trump and that fake shooting, I’m enjoying my music gear by making beats and djing where I can. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, I have to go to work in the AM, so I’m not going to spend my free time contemplating what’s going on in politics or the other nonsense going on in the media. Call me when you guys are ready to overthrow and revolt against some ish.

With that said, I hope you have a great start to this upcoming work week. Remember to listen to and make some dope music, and do your best to be positive, in spite of all the negativity around you. I’ll be doing the same, and starting my days looking forward to getting back home to my family and working with music. Peace, love, and light to you reader, and be blessed!

New DJ Mixer in the fold….

Hey what’s up reader.. all is good in my neighborhood. I just got a new Rane 70 DJ mixer. I now have a total of 3. The Ecler Nuo 2.0 w/ Eternal crossfader, the Pioneer DJM-S11, and now the Rane 70. The 70 is a dope mixer and it’s built like a tank. Even the FX paddles are beefy and well built. It makes my S11 feel a bit less well made. The S11 is still dope, but the Rane is definitely made for the traveling or battling DJ.

The sound quality on the Rane is very good. It’s about the same quality as the S11 and I’m very happy with it. The Mag Four crossfader is pretty decent as well. It’s not as good as the Magvel Pro on the S11 or the Eternal fader on the Ecler which is the best fader I’ve ever used. It’s decent enough though and you can do some tight cutting on it. I am considering upgrading to an Innofader for the 70 that is basically just an Innofader PNP3, which is a nice crossfader. We’ll see if I end up doing that or not. If I do, I may make a video showing me doing it for my Youtube channel, that you can find here by the way:

Other than that I’ve been slaving away at my IT job. IT can really be a pain in the behind sometimes. Someone thought it would be a smart idea to have like 37+ new hires start this coming Monday. Me and the other IT tech were slaving away trying to image laptops for the last 2 weeks, as well as help the users with daily issues. We also had to setup their desks which we didn’t get done yesterday (Friday). My co-worker is out on Monday, so I’ll have to work on that by myself this coming Monday as well as deal with the backlash of people needing to be setup and some other new hires needing laptops and desks.

I swear it seems like this life ish is built to stress you out and give you a hard time. I’m not going to let it though. I’ll sit there with a blank expression on my face if people come at me crazy. They could fire me for all I care, I’ll just collect unemployment and be happy to not be bothered anymore. Granted I don’t WANT to get fired, I prefer collecting my paycheck, but I’m just saying before I’ll be worried about that I won’t care about it. I’ve lost and quit jobs before and everything turned out ok. I’m here still standing and still moving forward.

I’m going to relax this weekend and get some DJing in and maybe go to the record shop later today. I got a little more disposable income since paying off some debts, so I’ll maybe splurge a bit and get a few new albums. Nothing too crazy. Maybe spend like $50-60 at the shop and get something good I can listen to this weekend and add to my collection. I’m up to about 500+ records owned now which is pretty crazy. I want more and more and more. I want to be one of those DJs that has wall to wall records in a room with their setup. We need to move into a 2 or 3 bedroom pad before I can do something like that though.

Peace and blessings to you, and I hope you have a good week upcoming. L8r!

Blog Update…

Hey what’s up reader? If you’re reading this, I hope you’re doing well and enjoying your journey through life. I am doing ok, and after receiving a complete remission from Leukemia diagnosis, I am feeling healthy and blessed. I am a bit tired, but that’s just from the sleep deprivation that tends to plague a lot of us stuck in wage slavery. You spend 10+ hours going to, at, and leaving work, then when you get home you want to relax and do what YOU want to do, but you only have a few hours at night to do so. I have been going to sleep lately around 10:45pm or 11pm. I am usually settled in at home by 6pm after work, so that gives me a bit under 5 hours to take care of things around the house, walk the dog, and so on.

I have recently discovered burning Palo Santo wood. It smells good and its said that it gets rid of negative energy in the area, which I believe. I’m writing this at 6:30am before work, and I’m burning some right now. I’ll see how it starts off my day and if I feel better as I go through the day. We all get bogged down with negativity from the things we see out in the world, dealing with certain aspects of work, and even sometimes the people in our home. You have to find some way to cope with it and find some positive energy out of it. Meditation can help, as can smudging items like Palo Santo and sage.

I’m still DJing and scratching/juggling. Got to keep at it even though its sometimes hard to find the time. I’m also still making beats on my MPC Live 2. I need to finish some out and put them up on my Distrokid, or at the very least on my Bandcamp page. Hopefully this weekend I can work on that. I’m trying to collect more vinyl records as I go along, and I have recently realized that buying from is cheaper than buying at a record store. I know that sucks, but when a record shoppe is charging $38 for a record that costs $21 on Amazon, it’s hard to compete. Vinyl records are making a comeback, and a large conglomerate like Amazon is all aboard the train. That’s good for the consumer, but may spell doom for these mom and pop record shops.

That’s about it for the update. I’m still slaving away at an IT job and doing what I need to do to pay bills. I just finished paying off a major debt, so hopefully my money situation improves as I go along. I’ll post here again when I remember to, but I enjoy having this page to go back and look what I was thinking about at a certain time in the past. Peace, love, and light to you and stay blessed. L8r…

I gotta enjoy life more…..

So I was watching someone play Fallout 3 the other day, and at the beginning of the game, one of the character references a plaque with a Bible passage on it. I think it was from the Book of Revelations, but the gist of it was GOD blesses a person who “enjoys life”. That’s what I took from it at least. I think of some of the people I know of, and a lot of the people who are “happy” who seem to be genuinely so, are blessed in a lot of ways. They have a house, they have a job they enjoy or they get to stream for a living. GOD has made a way for them to do so. I can’t help but think negatively about a lot of the stuff that happens in life, but I realize I do need to let things go or roll off more often.

I’m hoping I can learn to enjoy life more. Instead of listening to the doom and gloomers who say “pro sports, etc are just a distraction to keep us slaves.. blah blah”, maybe I just go to a baseball game or whatever and have a good time. I was telling my mom the other day that I remember going to Summerslam in Chicago with her, where the Undertaker fought the fake Undertaker, and Razor Ramon fought Shawn Michaels I think, and what a good time I had. Or the time I went to a couple of ECW shows with my friend at the time Jason. We had a good time there and we even ended up being in the intro footage of the ECW TV show back then. I didn’t look at it as being a distraction from some grand “truth”.

I enjoy my Djing, making music, and sometimes playing games on my PS5. I am going to make the best of everything else that comes with life like work, or outside people making things more difficult for you like your landlord, etc. Perhaps if I change my outlook on things, things will get better. They have been getting better slowly but surely, but I still find myself dipping into that dark pool of negative thinking. I will make a concerted effort to work on that, and I will see how things change for me by the end of the year. With my cancer diagnosis, I was really positive and didn’t get really down in the dumps about it, and whaddya know, I ended up going into complete remission. I had a great doctor, but I’m sure my attitude helped the situation a lot.

Moving forward with life and trying to get the most out of it was what that passage I mentioned in the beginning was alluding to. If I can find the exact passage, I’ll mention it in another post. The Bible is full of info like that though. That’s why the brothers from WuTang called it B.I.B.L.E or “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. Here’s to heeding that instruction and trying to make the most out of this life that I can. Peace and blessings to you if you’re reading, and have a good week ahead. L8r….

Time off….

I just wanted to chime in real quick before I start working today. I think our time off system in the workplace is stupid. So you’re telling me I could work some place for a few years, accrue a lot of vacation time, then if I get laid off, quit, or GOD forbid fired, and I start a new job… I have to start all over again? Not only that, but the people/management at the new job will have the mentality that if I take time off I’m taking too much time off for someone who “just started”??? First off, I didn’t “just start” working. I’ve been working steadily since I was friggin 16 years old!!!

Your PTO should be controlled by a 3rd party and carry over from job to job imho. Perhaps the government could track it or something to that effect. I think it’s ridiculous that you have to “reset” each time you start a new job. It’s stupid and illogical. Yet another way to f over the working person. It doesn’t matter that i haven’t been working for YOU for years… but I HAVE been working for years… I need time off. end rant/

What’s Going On???

So I was watching Youtube tonight, which is customary for me after I get off work, and I saw some videos regarding the state of Downtown LA, San Francisco, and New York. What I saw was very sad and I can’t believe how poorly maintained and deteriorated these areas are. I’m sure it’s the same in places like Detroit, Chicago, and probably even some parts of Atlanta. All across this country the homeless problem is bubbling and areas that were once vibrant and bustling areas of commerce, community and arts/entertainment, are now vandalized, urinated on, and home to unsightly graffiti.

When you look at old pictures or movies that show how Chicago used to be, or downtown LA, it’s incredible the difference. People on the streets are well dressed, there’s shops and diners for people to partake in. I can’t believe how far and how fast things have gone downhill in this country. What have the mayors of these cities, and the other local politicians been doing in their job roles??? There’s homeless people everywhere, which I don’t say out of disdain or disgust, but out of concern and disbelief. What did these people think was going to happen when they let rents, food, and gas (among other things) get so out of hand price wise that the average person CANNOT afford to live in this society?

You’d have to be so dense to not see it happening that I am convinced it was done on purpose! Why are they letting more migrants into the country with no job leads, some of them have no real job skills short of hard manual labor. You can’t even give the people in your country jobs to work that will keep food on their table and a roof over their head, let alone bringing in thousands of other people who are going to end up in the same boat: homeless on the streets of America. To put the cherry on top of all that, I saw a video where the Supreme court is looking to ban people from “sleeping outside”. That means not on the street or alleyway, not in your car, etc. What are people who are homeless supposed to do when law enforcement starts arresting them for being tired and needing to sleep when they don’t have a place to call home?

This stuff is so messed up on so many levels. I don’t understand why the people in America don’t revolt. It’s because most of them are hanging on by a thread and haven’t been pushed into the red zone that many of these homeless people have been. It’s time for us to start demanding answers and holding people accountable for this. I don’t care who was here first, whether black people are indigenous to the America’s, along with Latino’s or whether white people hold claim to the land, we ALL live here now.. every race…. and need to try to make this a great country to be in. We need to stop bickering over stupid things like race, when the truth is that we all have souls and can die and re-incarnate into a different race of person at any given time in history. Until we unite and revolt against how we are being led, they are going to treat us like the lemmings we’ve been behaving as and take us right off a cliff!