Getting busy on the MPC Key 61…

So I’ve been putting in a lot of work on my MPC Key 61. I’ve uploaded two songs to Distrokid in the last week. I went digging for samples on Tracklib last night and found another good sample that I started a beat with. I’m really enjoying using the MPC Key 61 with MPC 3.0 software. The workflow is easy to use and its a lot of fun.

I’ve been scratching and juggling when I find the time, but I definitely need to make sure I get on my decks more often. I don’t want to lose either skill of beatmaking or djing. For me, those two things are major joys in my life. I love looking for samples online and in record stores. That’s a part of the zen process of beatmaking for me. I am reading a book about sample based beatmaking, and they talk about how digging for sounds/samples is a very important part of the process. It’s an older book so it’s mainly talking about going to record stores and buying vinyl, but these days, you can “dig” online on sites like Tracklib and Splice.

I don’t know what I would do without my MPC Key 61 or SP 404 mk2. Those two devices are very important to me and they are keeping me in a decent space mentally. Music really is important for the soul, and when you make it, its even better than just listening to it. You feel like you’re a part of a tradition and you have contributed to a massive hive mind of music. I don’t really advertise my music, so it’s mainly just a hobby, but I enjoy the fact that a few people have purchased my songs and listened to them.

Maybe once I start adding lyrics to my songs, I’ll advertise them more on Facebook, Instagram, X, and other social media outlets. Hopefully I can use my writing talents to write good music an that it will be cool and refreshing. I want my lyrics to be “about something”, and not just nonsense or debase topics like a lot of emcees talk about these days. We’ll see if I can find the time/motivation to write decent rhymes. Maybe I’ll work on it this weekend with this current beat I’m cooking up. I’ll see you next time!