The allegory of the cave

So I read an interpretation of the allegory of the cave by Plato and I believe it to be completely incorrect. First the allegory says to imagine people chained with their heads propped up looking at a cave wall. That’s all they can see. Behind them though, is a humongous fire and people carrying things back and forth and the world outside. The people cannot see the fire or the people carrying things, all they can see is the shadows dancing on the walls from all this behind them. The site I looked at talked about how if you take that person they begin to believe that the shadows on the cave are reality and that if you show them the fire and the people carrying things, they would reject is as imaginary. Then the allegory talks about taking the person all the way outside and them being blinded by the sun. The site seems to believe the shadows on the wall represent echoes, perception, reflections and other images. It also says that the things being carried around and the fire stand for things in the physical world. And it believes that the things outside the cave stand for ideal forms. I wholeheartedly disagree. What Plato is alluding to in this allegory, is that people are being shown a mirage of what reality is. Take our time for example. The media portrays a narrative that is not true, they have people believing right now that they need to get a COVID vaccine so they don’t DIE. They have people believing that black people are the majority of people killed and murdered by police when the statistics say otherwise. People believe this avatar they are walking around in is the real them. They judge each other based off this avatar, they become attached to it and that’s all programmed in from a very early age. The shadows dancing on the wall represent the falsehoods we are led to believe from childhood from all different types of mediums. I’m sure it was the same story in Plato’s time. He existed in what was a great civilization of it’s day. The fact that the people reject the fire and the people carrying things as imaginary is exactly what happens now. People are so used to the BS that when you present them with the truth they reject it. They think it’s conspiracy theory or false. When you “take them outside” in to the sun, they are blinded by the light and they want to go back into the cave. The allegory mentions Plato saying the Sun represented the source which is God. People constantly reject God in favor of what the world has presented to them as whats “it”, desirable, and relevant. It’s just like when Neo was shown the Matrix. He got sick and didn’t want to believe it. Some people are so used to the lies and the Matrix, that they would rather deal with that since they are comfortable with it instead of the truth which the truth is God. They are so used to being in the dark that they are not comfortable when you bring them into the light. Ignorance is bliss for many though, so I’d say Jesus is going to have a heck of a time converting people when he makes his return if that’s even his mission when he does. People can be very ignorant, and unwilling to listen to a different point of view. You see it all the time on social media and just in the world in general. I don’t know if anything will ever change that as it may be a part of human nature. At least human nature as it’s grown to become or more likely been programmed to be. Perhaps there was once a time when we weren’t like that but it is what is is today. That’s just my interpretation of the allegory of the cave, but I feel it’s an accurate one. If you’re not looking at most significant things from a God (the Sun in the allegory) centered perspective, you’re looking at it wrong. Everything ends with the source (God) and to be quite frank that’s our mission on this earth. The world would have you believe your life is about getting money, or a designer shoe, or having somebody think you’re sexy, but that’s not it at all. It’s all about returning to God the source. Your goal should be to not fail that mission. We all start off rocky, but I think it’s best to listen to wise people and seek out knowledge of God wherever you can. Keep working as will I.