Update check in…

Hey what’s up? I hope life is treating you well. I am unemployed right now, but it’s probably for the best with my health condition I have. Corporate America doesn’t care about you as an individual, and its hard to find a company that will show compassion towards you when you have a hardship. That’s why I don’t believe in loyalty to any company. Yes I will do my absolute best when working for you, but I don’t fool myself into the notion that this company in any way shape or form cares about me as a person. I’m a social security number doing work for them and if it benefits the companies bottom line to let me go they will. Almost every company I’ve worked for has done exactly that to people in some capacity. Anyway, I’ve been Dj scratching like crazy and I’m getting better slowly but surely. I also picked up a better computer chair, as mine was done for. It was making it so I couldn’t sit down and get comfortable to work on my music. Hopefully with this new chair, I’ll be more motivated to sit in front of my MPC and SP 404mk2 and get busy with em’. I’m practicing daily affirmations now and reading Bible passages more often. I feel like I want to switch my mind to one that focuses on positive thoughts more-so than negative. Negativity is everywhere around us and it gets into your mind and takes over. You have to feed your mind positivity in order for it to switch to that pole and stay there. Bible passages are ripe with positivity, so I’m hoping reading them more often will get me to the place I want to be.

I’ll try to remember to post on here more often, and let anyone who MAY be viewing this page know what’s going on with me. Til next time!