The job hunt…

I’m excited to get a new job. I’ve grown even more as a person since my last job, and I’m excited to work again. These last couple of years in general have been really eye opening for me and I’d like to put some of the principles and things I’ve learned into use in the work place. I understand its not going to be perfect, and that is fine. I’m the type of person that needs a work play balance. I can’t enjoy my “play” time if I haven’t put in a sufficient amount of “work” time.

Hopefully GOD will send the right job with the right people my way and it will be somewhere I can work and be of help to the company for some time to come. I would like to work in a fully remote position, but it doesn’t seem like the “universe” is going to allow that, so I’ll just take that for what it is. I hope I can get a job where I can get time off in the future. Next summer I’d like for my grandson to come visit us for a week and it would be nice to just hang out and us focus on him for the entire week. I’ve noticed a lot of companies have switched over to allowing people to have unlimited PTO, which I think is a great concept. As long as people don’t abuse it, which I doubt most would, it lets you be able to take adequate time off to spend with family, take care of a move and important things like that.

I’ll report on here when I find a job and how it goes when I’m working at it. Til next time…