Another Monday….

So it’s Monday morning and I’m about to start getting ready for work. The weekend flew by, as usual, and I felt like I barely had any time to really get into what I wanted to get into. It kinda sucks that a large part of your weekend is spent preparing for the next work week. Doing laundry, buying groceries so you have food for the week etc. I wish I could find an IT job that gave me 3 days off a the end of the week. Maybe work 4 10 hour shifts or something like that. Even with that, people who work that type of shift say their weekend usually goes too fast.

The work week seems to take forever to get to the end, but your weekend goes by like a mouse fart in the wind. It’s really crazy how that works. I think the only time a person truly breaks free of that grind/rat race/hustle is when they reach the age where they can retire. Honestly though, by then, you’re at an age where you probably can’t do or enjoy the things you would have if you could have retired at a younger age. That’s why it’s important to stay in shape and take care of your body so that when you do get older, you’re not housebound or limited with what you can do.

I am still looking for a remote/work from home job as I work my current job. When I had the opportunity to work from home, I had more time to take care of the things I needed to. I could go to the grocery store on my lunch breaks, or do laundry while I worked, take my dog for 3 walks a day. It was pretty cool, but the way our society is setup, these companies are trying to get back to the “old way” of doing things. I know I’ve said this before on this blog, but with the high speed internet we ALL have in our homes, programs like Microsoft Teams and Zoom. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be largely able to work from our homes as we move into the future.

They’ve got the majority of people “coming back” into the office, but as soon as another crazy pandemic jumps off, it’s going to kick everybody in the arse again just like COVID did, and they’ll be scrambling to get everyone working from home again. Sometimes I feel like the people who makes decisions are so stupid and illogical it’s ridiculous. After what happened with COVID, why would you EVER try to go back to the old way of doing things???? Because it’s 9-5 wage slavery and you having the “freedom” to work from home is giving you too much.

Look at what happened with 9-11. After 9-11, they completely changed the way we do air travel. There’s TSA much more involved, you have to get rigorously checked before you can get on a plane. No more hanging out at the airport if you don’t have a flight, etc. How come with that we made sweeping changes in the way we do things, but after COVID, which was longer lasting and much more significant, we haven’t? Because to make changes in the way people work would be “too much like right” if you understand what I mean. They want you stressing out in traffic every day, they want you sleep deprived, they want you to have very little time for your personal enjoyment or hobbies, they want you hustling to get things done after work and all that.

Anyway, I’m getting more and more pissed off as I write this, so I’m going to end it here. Have a good work week, and push as best you can to get through it. Enjoy what time you can catch and be blessed. L8r!