GOD is good!

So I didn’t really go into detail, but I was diagnosed with CLL, which is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in January of 2023. I went through infusion treatments where they pump pretty powerful chemicals into your veins via IV for a few months. After that I had to take some medication every day. I did a second bone marrow biopsy last two Fridays ago and then talked to my doctor to get the results this past Friday. I am in complete remission from the illness. Praise GOD. I had a pretty bad day on Friday with my car breaking down, and life has just been tough in general. That was a bit of good news that I really needed to hear.

Even though remission doesn’t mean cured, and it could come back in the future, I feel blessed right now that I have more time on this Earth to do the things I enjoy and spend time with people I love. I pray that the Lord continues to give me more time to accomplish things I want to like being an amazing DJ, being an amazing music producer, possibly getting back into martial arts, getting in great physical shape ,and getting physically stronger. I have to work at a job or do something to earn money, so that’s a given, but when I get time away from that, I want to pursue the things I am passionate about and enjoy.

My family has been pretty supportive, and even though I suspect them a lot of undermining me, it may just be that I’m being paranoid. They have been there for me in a lot of tough times seemingly, so I don’t let my thoughts run away with me and I speak to them and show them love. I want to move forward in this life and be more positive about life. GOD brought some people into my life that have shown me that being happy and positive about life is the ticket to blessings. Thinking negatively or being worrisome about things brings bad luck and bad karma I believe.

As believers in GOD, we shouldn’t worry to much about the things that happen in life. Deal with them as they come and have faith that GOD will bring you through it. You also need to use some of the divine gifts that GOD has given to you as a human being, and I think those are things people are starting to wake up to and realize right now. Prayerfully a lot of us as human beings find out who we are and what we are capable of and move forward into a great future as the human race. With that said, I’m happy about my remission status, and I’m going to keep growing and living as long as I can. L8z!