What’s Going On???

So I was watching Youtube tonight, which is customary for me after I get off work, and I saw some videos regarding the state of Downtown LA, San Francisco, and New York. What I saw was very sad and I can’t believe how poorly maintained and deteriorated these areas are. I’m sure it’s the same in places like Detroit, Chicago, and probably even some parts of Atlanta. All across this country the homeless problem is bubbling and areas that were once vibrant and bustling areas of commerce, community and arts/entertainment, are now vandalized, urinated on, and home to unsightly graffiti.

When you look at old pictures or movies that show how Chicago used to be, or downtown LA, it’s incredible the difference. People on the streets are well dressed, there’s shops and diners for people to partake in. I can’t believe how far and how fast things have gone downhill in this country. What have the mayors of these cities, and the other local politicians been doing in their job roles??? There’s homeless people everywhere, which I don’t say out of disdain or disgust, but out of concern and disbelief. What did these people think was going to happen when they let rents, food, and gas (among other things) get so out of hand price wise that the average person CANNOT afford to live in this society?

You’d have to be so dense to not see it happening that I am convinced it was done on purpose! Why are they letting more migrants into the country with no job leads, some of them have no real job skills short of hard manual labor. You can’t even give the people in your country jobs to work that will keep food on their table and a roof over their head, let alone bringing in thousands of other people who are going to end up in the same boat: homeless on the streets of America. To put the cherry on top of all that, I saw a video where the Supreme court is looking to ban people from “sleeping outside”. That means not on the street or alleyway, not in your car, etc. What are people who are homeless supposed to do when law enforcement starts arresting them for being tired and needing to sleep when they don’t have a place to call home?

This stuff is so messed up on so many levels. I don’t understand why the people in America don’t revolt. It’s because most of them are hanging on by a thread and haven’t been pushed into the red zone that many of these homeless people have been. It’s time for us to start demanding answers and holding people accountable for this. I don’t care who was here first, whether black people are indigenous to the America’s, along with Latino’s or whether white people hold claim to the land, we ALL live here now.. every race…. and need to try to make this a great country to be in. We need to stop bickering over stupid things like race, when the truth is that we all have souls and can die and re-incarnate into a different race of person at any given time in history. Until we unite and revolt against how we are being led, they are going to treat us like the lemmings we’ve been behaving as and take us right off a cliff!