I gotta enjoy life more…..

So I was watching someone play Fallout 3 the other day, and at the beginning of the game, one of the character references a plaque with a Bible passage on it. I think it was from the Book of Revelations, but the gist of it was GOD blesses a person who “enjoys life”. That’s what I took from it at least. I think of some of the people I know of, and a lot of the people who are “happy” who seem to be genuinely so, are blessed in a lot of ways. They have a house, they have a job they enjoy or they get to stream for a living. GOD has made a way for them to do so. I can’t help but think negatively about a lot of the stuff that happens in life, but I realize I do need to let things go or roll off more often.

I’m hoping I can learn to enjoy life more. Instead of listening to the doom and gloomers who say “pro sports, etc are just a distraction to keep us slaves.. blah blah”, maybe I just go to a baseball game or whatever and have a good time. I was telling my mom the other day that I remember going to Summerslam in Chicago with her, where the Undertaker fought the fake Undertaker, and Razor Ramon fought Shawn Michaels I think, and what a good time I had. Or the time I went to a couple of ECW shows with my friend at the time Jason. We had a good time there and we even ended up being in the intro footage of the ECW TV show back then. I didn’t look at it as being a distraction from some grand “truth”.

I enjoy my Djing, making music, and sometimes playing games on my PS5. I am going to make the best of everything else that comes with life like work, or outside people making things more difficult for you like your landlord, etc. Perhaps if I change my outlook on things, things will get better. They have been getting better slowly but surely, but I still find myself dipping into that dark pool of negative thinking. I will make a concerted effort to work on that, and I will see how things change for me by the end of the year. With my cancer diagnosis, I was really positive and didn’t get really down in the dumps about it, and whaddya know, I ended up going into complete remission. I had a great doctor, but I’m sure my attitude helped the situation a lot.

Moving forward with life and trying to get the most out of it was what that passage I mentioned in the beginning was alluding to. If I can find the exact passage, I’ll mention it in another post. The Bible is full of info like that though. That’s why the brothers from WuTang called it B.I.B.L.E or “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. Here’s to heeding that instruction and trying to make the most out of this life that I can. Peace and blessings to you if you’re reading, and have a good week ahead. L8r….