Happy Hump Day…..

So in this post I just wanted to talk about my current state of Djing.  I work full time but I am able to listen to my music all day while I’m working.  I’d really like to get proficient at scratching but it takes a lot of time and effort and I’m trying to enjoy listening to music, mix music, occasionally make a beat, write a book, read and study God’s word, help my wife, do house chores and so forth. It’s very difficult to keep up with all that and sometimes it feels like there’s not enough hours in the day. I’ll admit I slack off a lot and get caught up watching Youtube videos, but I rotate what I focus on quite often. For a while there I was practicing scratching every day and putting a lot of effort into it. I was figuring I could probably get like a daily planner and really dole out my day to myself but that would feel extremely regimented and almost military like which, like most people, I don’t care for. I prefer to “play it by ear” when it comes to what I’m doing at the moment. As long as I’m not up to no good, I feel like I’m doing alright. I watch some people who are really good at scratching and I know it just takes years and years to get to that level so I guess I have to just be patient and keep making an effort. I may try to post a short clip of myself scratching so a visitor to this site can see where I am with it. What are some things you’d like to accomplish, whether Djing related or not? Let me know in a comment if you can. Peace!