Bandcamp Page reminder…

Don’t forget to check out my Bandcamp page at . You can see my journey from pretty wack beats to good sounding beats. I love making music and it’s my passion and joy in this lifetime. Please support by following my page and downloading my music if anything piques your fancy. Take care and GOD bless.

Beautiful Monday!

Happy Monday! It’s another beautiful day under the sun. We’re all going through some things, but I’d say be content in the knowledge that everything will be all right. Stay in faith of the power of GOD and just enjoy your life to the fullest. I’m still working on my beat tape and I recorded some lyrics on it last night. It was a lot of fun to do and I felt productive after completing it. I may have said this before, but its very important to have hobbies that make you feel productive and creative. A lot of these kids running the street or getting into trouble don’t have anything to do. They are bored with life and the idle mind is the devils workshop.

If you have children or are close to any children, do your best to help them keep their mind occupied with something positive and creative. Music, arts and crafts, model building, or a sport can all be good things that a child can get into and help them keep out of trouble. I have a step grandson that I wish lived closer so I could expose him to Djing and music at an early age and give him something to do with his mind instead of playing video games or watching TV. I hope my stepdaughter realizes how important that is and tries to give him some creative outlet to give him something to do with is free time.

I’m about to start working, but I’ll add some reviews of some new pickups I’ve gotten lately and talk about them in detail. Til next time…


I’d like to get one of the Roland Fantom-0 synths, but they are extremely expensive. They cost 1.5k to 2k. One day when money gets a bit better for me I’ll pick one up. Even though I don’t make music as a career, I would get my moneys worth from a device that costs that much because I would use it so much. I’ve used my MPC One and Roland 404 mk2 a ton, as well as my Pioneer DJM-S11. I have on synth, the Roland GAIA SH101, but the higher end Roland synths would be a lot of fun to own and get to use on a daily basis. A lot of people spend way more money than me on their music hobby. I’ve seen people in the Facebook MPC group that have like 4 or 5 synths/keyboards, drum pad machines, all types of rack mounted units for processing sound. A lot of them go really overboard. I guess if you don’t have kids and make decent money what else are you going to spend your money on besides your hobby which is usually a love of yours. My wife Laura likes to buy planners and arts and crafts supplies. That’s her vice and what she will spend a good amount of money on. I’m going to drop a few new reviews in the Reviews section and update the spirituality section pretty soon. I really need to buckle down and get this site up to snuff. I’ll work on it.. Til next time….

Working on a New Beat Tape….

So I’m working on a 7 track beat tape to bring out in a month or two. I want it to be high quality and to be the best work I’ve done to date. Right now I have about two tracks done that still need a little bit of work. It’s a lot of fun and gives me something to look forward to and a goal to work on. I’m using all royalty free samples so I can sell it and maybe put it on Distrokid for release on different platforms. I’m going to advertise it on my Instagram and Twitter pages. I’m still not looking to be famous or make a lot of money with music, but it’s just something fun to do. We’re all sitting around trying to make the time go buy as we live out our lives and having goals is something productive to do with it.

I would never want to be famous like Kanye West or someone like that. That seems like a miserable life and I can’t understand why someone would want to attain that. What an ego you must have to feel that you should be looked at above or heard over other people. I wouldn’t mind money like Kanye’s, but I wouldn’t live an extravagant life. I’d buy a nice modest house somewhere and no one around me would know just how much money I had. My cars would be everyday average cars with the most extravagant one being a Tesla or Mustang GT or something. I wouldn’t want a Lamborgini or Ferrari. Those cars put a target on your back. I gather there are people out there who look to damage those cars on purpose out of jealousy or hate when they see them in a grocery store or other parking lot. I’ve seen Ferrari’s parked in some of the weirdest places before.

Back to music, I’m looking forward to seeing how this beat tape turns out. I’ll mention it here as well once I’m done making it, although I don’t know how many people visit this page as I never check the metrics on it. This page is just my little blog that I like to write on from time to time. It’s linked from my Bandcamp page which I’ve given out to a few people, so I’m sure some people have checked it out maybe. That’s it for today. Take care of yourselves, stay blessed, and keep GOD and the music in your life. L8r!

Life is Grand….

It’s been a minute since I updated this blog, but I’m posting now. I was recently diagnosed with a pretty serious health condition, as well as having some deaths in the family that hit us pretty hard. I’m doing ok health wise now, but I have to keep pressing and trying to get better and take good care of myself. Music has been a huge help in me dealing with things lately. As it has been said, “Music is medicine”. It’s medicine for the soul I feel, and between Djing and making beats, I get a lot of fulfillment and relaxation from both practices. I recently picked up a Roland SP404 mk2 and I’ve fallen in love with it. It’s much more portable than my MPC One, albeit having less bells and whistles. I can still make a good beat on it though and I’ve picked up the workflow very quickly.

I kind of feel like I have an intelligence level where I can learn pretty much anything to a serviceable level. Some people really struggle with learning new things. I wouldn’t say they are stupid, they just don’t connect the dots as quickly as others and have to be walked step by step through every little thing. Because I have the type of intelligence that lets me learn quickly, I’m not going to be accepting the minimum wage for a particular job anymore. 10/10 I’m going to be one of the better performing employees, and I’ll pick up the companies workflow and system quickly and become very efficient at it. For that alone I deserve to be paid the maximum wage offered. It’s very hard as an employer to find competent people who know how to utilize common sense. On my next job interview, the mission will be to convey what I just said to the interviewer without coming off arrogant or pompous.

Me and my wife are looking to move to the east coast soon to be closer to her family. My stepdaughter and step grandson. Time will tell if that comes to fruition. I am tired of paying these ridiculous rents and gas prices here on the West Coast though. For what I pay for a SMALL one bedroom apartment I could afford a house somewhere else. I’ll try to update the page a bit more often and add some more reviews and beef up the spirituality section. I plan on talking about spirituality a lot more. We are all on the journey to being better versions of ourselves, and that includes me. Til next time…..

New Years Resolutions….

So it’s Christmas Day today and the New Year is right down the street. I’m looking forward to a New Year and new beginnings. I have a few resolutions for the coming year of 2023. I want to lose some weight AGAIN and get in better shape in general. I lift weights and do pushups, but I’d like to start walking more to lose some more pounds and get a more structured weight lifting routine going. I still have my gym membership I pay $10 a month for, but when COVID hit I didn’t want to go and end up getting sick. I’ll have the opportunity this January to start walking more during my breaks when working, so I’m sure I can get that one done. I’ve done it before.

For my music resolutions, I really want to focus on scratching and beat-juggling for DJing. I want to make huge gains in those areas and I know I’ll have to time manage better, especially if I’m going to be going to the gym among the other things I have to get done in daily life. For production, I want to continue steadily making more and more music. I want to start putting more of my beats on Beat Stars and try to get a bit of a side hustle going and get some income from the music I make. Even if it’s only enough to buy a new vinyl record for my collection here and there, that’s ok with me. I want to be more creative and also buckle down and use my Melodics subscription to learn how to play keyboard. I can play keys here and there, and I’ve done so in my music, but I’d really like to learn to play full melody’s that I make up on my own. If I can accomplish those things by the end of 2023, I’ll be a happy camper.

Lastly, I’d like to get my finances in order. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t gamble every weekend or buy expensive clothes, but I have some debt I need to pay down so I want to stop buying things on an impulse and only buy things I really want when a surplus of money comes in. I feel like with my job and my wife’s job, the Lord gives us what we need to survive, keep a roof over our heads, and food in our stomachs. Sure I can have some wants on occasion, but I’d like to cut back on those so much. Instead of buying $60 worth of records at a given time, maybe chill out and buy two or three 45 records from the 99 cent bin at the record store, and save the binge vinyl buying for tax refunds or bonuses if we get any.

I’ll go over this post again in December of 2023 and look at what I was able to accomplish and what I wasn’t. Time management is really important as I know I waste too much time watching Youtube or Twitch. Sure it’s nice to gel every once in a while, but I need to get the things I want to get done completed each day and get to bed at a decent hour each night so I’m not so exhausted the next day. Take care and have a Happy New Year! Til next time….

And a MPC for all….

Merry Christmas! It’s the Holiday Season and Christmas is literally tomorrow. I just wanted to post an update to the blog and talk about something near and dear to my heart. Since I picked up a MPC One some years ago, I’ve really enjoyed using it. I remember posting about how much I liked it, the first week I got it, on Reddit and mentioning that I find much more motivation than when I was making music/beats in Reason 10 & 11. Of course, a snarky internet anonymous had to come on and say “We’ll see how long that lasts….”. Well I can proudly say it’s been a long time that I’ve been putting in the work on my MPC. I am constantly in front of it creating and I don’t see an end to that anywhere in sight. I love music and I always have. I wish I’d known about MPCs in the 90s when I first got into hip hop music because I would have probably pursued a career in it. For now I just make music and DJ as a hobby, as I work in IT full time. I think that anyone that enjoys listening to music should try making it, particularly using a MPC. The satisfaction that making music from scratch can bring can’t be understated. I love finding something to sample, or playing a melody on my Arturia Keystep and adding the kick, snares, bass, hats, etc. When it all comes together nicely it really is a beautiful thing.

I’m no J-Dilla by any stretch of the imagination, but I definitely see an improvement in my music made on MPC from when I first started until now. I am constantly learning new techniques and finding inspiration from other people’s music that I listen to. The MPC is easy to pick up, but can be difficult for some to master. Some people think the workflow is convoluted and too complex, but to me it makes perfect sense. I get exactly what Roger Linn and Akai were going for in the original MPCs, and the modern ones have just taken that idea to the next level.

I would recommend a MPC One to anyone that has any interest in making music at all. It’s not that expensive in terms of how much music equipment CAN cost, and it has all the things you’ll need to get started making music. Sign up to Splice monthly subscription to get a constant fresh supply of music sounds to work with and pick up the MPC Bible as a newbie and you’ll be making fire music in no time. I’m looking forward to what the next iteration of the MPC will bring, but it brings me pleasure knowing that my MPC One will always perform as it is right now. I feel like I can do anything musically that I could imagine with the MPC and it’s plugins, expansions, and ability to utilize 3rd party sounds.

I hope this post sparks someone’s interest and that you decide to take the plunge and grab a MPC. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll get out of it whatever you put into it. I work 40 hrs a week, but when I have free time I’m either making music on my MPC One or practicing DJing. Those hobbies provide a huge stress relief and keep me feeling as happy as one could in this society with the way things are. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Meditation and Music

I’m going to start meditating more to see how it affects my abilities with music. Music itself is governed by a lot of universal laws and has a lot of sacred mathematics built into it. It’s been around since the earliest civilized human beings and it’s something that, when done purely, can bring us back to our roots and back to our soul. I want to start doing more kundalini meditation in hopes to see if it helps me understand my music better. I’ve been encountering some interesting videos and articles regarding the chakras and energy centers in the body. I have done meditation before, but I need to make a serious go of practicing it. Just like anything else, you can get “better” at meditating. I know that there are negative forces in the universe that don’t necessarily want me delving in that, which will mean I’ll have to really combat negative thoughts or mind states when I start going hard with the meditation. I’m prepared for it though, and I feel that it’s the only way I can reach the next level with my personal growth and also with my music. There’s nothing new under the sun, and every song sang and beat produced has seen the light of day before. It’s all up in the ether in the Akashic records. I want to be able to tap into a higher frequency to pull that information down. Not for money or fame, but just to do it and share it. I’ll probably write about this in my personal journal daily, but I’ll update this blog as I make progress. Til next time…

A helping hand…

Hey what’s going on there. Happy Monday ! I’m realizing that I like to help people with technical things. I work in IT and feel good when I resolve someone’s issue especially if its difficult. Also, while I’m working on my work laptop waiting for tickets or calls, I’m on my personal laptop helping people on internet forums with DJ or music production related issues. As long as you’re cool I don’t mind helping you. When you have a bad attitude, people don’t want to help you. There’s a saying that I’ve modified. “You catch more bees with honey than with hot sauce”. This is why I try to always be nice when I call a customer service or tech support line myself. I start the conversation with Good day, afternoon, night, and I always say please and thank you. Sometimes you still get bad service but a lot of times people will go out of their way to help you when you are not snappy or rude to them. I want to be treated the same way when I’m helping people. Cheers to being a helpful human being!

Music Production Update…

So I picked up a Tascam Model 12 to go alongside my MPC One and it’s been great. It allows me to produce my beats the way they do it in a real studio for minimal investment. With the type of songs I make, I don’t need a lot of channels to be able to assign samples/tracks to, but I kind of wish I had waited and picked up the Tascam Model 24 because it does have so many more channels you can work with. For right now this is fine, but as my beat making becomes more and more sophisticated, I could see myself having to upgrade to the Model 24 in order to suffice. Making music has really been a blessing to myself and apparently many others. I was reading a guys post in a MPC Facebook group I’m in and he was talking about all the mental health issues he deals with and how he gets manic and things like that, which I can definitely relate to. He was saying that making music on his MPC helps him relax and it occupies his mind when he starts to go off the deep end. I would say it’s the same for me as well. Making beats really helps me get my mind to train in on one thing and not race like it does all the time. It’s not something negative I’m focused on and I’m creating something which gives me a sense of pride. I can’t find anyone to reliably rap over my beats, so I’m considering putting pen to pad and doing it myself. Hopefully I can get the hang of it rather quickly and I can make something decent. I have a beat I’m currently working on now that I want to rhyme over, so we’ll see how it goes. If you’re interested, my beat site on Bandcamp is . There’s some wack beats on there, some ok stuff, and some stuff I put effort into that you can download. 90 percent of my music is free. If it has a charge it’s because I didn’t use any samples or I paid someone to make the art for the “cover”, etc. I would suggest that if you don’t have any hobbies besides watching tv, and you enjoy music, to start making music yourself. I bet you’d find a lot of joy in it and you’ll learn a lot as well. Til next time..