New Years Resolutions….

So it’s Christmas Day today and the New Year is right down the street. I’m looking forward to a New Year and new beginnings. I have a few resolutions for the coming year of 2023. I want to lose some weight AGAIN and get in better shape in general. I lift weights and do pushups, but I’d like to start walking more to lose some more pounds and get a more structured weight lifting routine going. I still have my gym membership I pay $10 a month for, but when COVID hit I didn’t want to go and end up getting sick. I’ll have the opportunity this January to start walking more during my breaks when working, so I’m sure I can get that one done. I’ve done it before.

For my music resolutions, I really want to focus on scratching and beat-juggling for DJing. I want to make huge gains in those areas and I know I’ll have to time manage better, especially if I’m going to be going to the gym among the other things I have to get done in daily life. For production, I want to continue steadily making more and more music. I want to start putting more of my beats on Beat Stars and try to get a bit of a side hustle going and get some income from the music I make. Even if it’s only enough to buy a new vinyl record for my collection here and there, that’s ok with me. I want to be more creative and also buckle down and use my Melodics subscription to learn how to play keyboard. I can play keys here and there, and I’ve done so in my music, but I’d really like to learn to play full melody’s that I make up on my own. If I can accomplish those things by the end of 2023, I’ll be a happy camper.

Lastly, I’d like to get my finances in order. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t gamble every weekend or buy expensive clothes, but I have some debt I need to pay down so I want to stop buying things on an impulse and only buy things I really want when a surplus of money comes in. I feel like with my job and my wife’s job, the Lord gives us what we need to survive, keep a roof over our heads, and food in our stomachs. Sure I can have some wants on occasion, but I’d like to cut back on those so much. Instead of buying $60 worth of records at a given time, maybe chill out and buy two or three 45 records from the 99 cent bin at the record store, and save the binge vinyl buying for tax refunds or bonuses if we get any.

I’ll go over this post again in December of 2023 and look at what I was able to accomplish and what I wasn’t. Time management is really important as I know I waste too much time watching Youtube or Twitch. Sure it’s nice to gel every once in a while, but I need to get the things I want to get done completed each day and get to bed at a decent hour each night so I’m not so exhausted the next day. Take care and have a Happy New Year! Til next time….