Beautiful Monday!

Happy Monday! It’s another beautiful day under the sun. We’re all going through some things, but I’d say be content in the knowledge that everything will be all right. Stay in faith of the power of GOD and just enjoy your life to the fullest. I’m still working on my beat tape and I recorded some lyrics on it last night. It was a lot of fun to do and I felt productive after completing it. I may have said this before, but its very important to have hobbies that make you feel productive and creative. A lot of these kids running the street or getting into trouble don’t have anything to do. They are bored with life and the idle mind is the devils workshop.

If you have children or are close to any children, do your best to help them keep their mind occupied with something positive and creative. Music, arts and crafts, model building, or a sport can all be good things that a child can get into and help them keep out of trouble. I have a step grandson that I wish lived closer so I could expose him to Djing and music at an early age and give him something to do with his mind instead of playing video games or watching TV. I hope my stepdaughter realizes how important that is and tries to give him some creative outlet to give him something to do with is free time.

I’m about to start working, but I’ll add some reviews of some new pickups I’ve gotten lately and talk about them in detail. Til next time…