Cassette Tapes making a comeback

So I recently picked up JDilla’s “Donuts” album on cassette tape. I play it on my cassette player I got off Turntable lab at one point. It sounds very good, and I love the sound well recorded cassette tapes can have. I noticed that places like and are now selling golden era hip hop and other albums on cassette tape. I think it’s pretty cool, as listening to music on cassette really takes me back to my teenage years. I remember getting Tupac All Eyes on Me on cassette from a guy at school. It turned out to be a bootleg, but it had the album art and everything and sounded fine to me. I remember there was a record store near my house that sold a lot of hip hop albums on tape, and it turns out THEY were selling tapes bootleg and just printing the artwork inserts. They ended up getting shut down and I was really disappointed. They were within walking distance from my house and I was getting to know the owner and he would give me cool deals on multiple tapes or CDs. I got a few more cassette’s incoming like WuTang Forever, Petestrumentals 3, and De La Soul is Dead. I’m looking forward to listening to something besides Donuts. Donuts is a great album, but I’ve listened to it over and over and over this past week since getting it. I think it’s really cool that both vinyl and cassettes are making a comeback. I’m sure it’s mainly millenials like myself fueling the comeback, but regardless, its enough people that sites like the ones I mentioned are releasing official albums on both mediums. I hope it’s not just a fad that will die in a year or two, and I hope us old heads keep it alive and keep buying our favorite boom bap, golden era music from the 90s on cassettes and vinyl. It’s the best way to listen to the music as you get that warmth and analog sound that really does the genre well. I’ll post a review in my reviews section soon about the tape player I have, and maybe some of the cassette’s I pick up as I go along. With all that being said, keep enjoying your tunes and keep living life. You only get one in this body so make the best of it! L8r!