Sick poppy…

So it’s official, I have COVID 19. I started feeling symptoms on Black Friday and took at test in the early afternoon. It came out positive, so I took another test that I think I did wrong and it came out inconclusive. I felt like crap, so I waited until Sunday and took another test that AM which was also positive. My wife has it too! We are not feeling well at all and it sucks.

I missed hanging out with my mom as she made a special trip driving from the midwest with her husband to come visit me and my brother here out West. It really sucks because I wanted to spend some time with all of them. My wife was going to hang with us a bit too which is pretty rare. That was a huge bummer, as my mom is like one of my best friends. Hopefully I will be able to go back to work this coming Thursday, but I have to not have a fever 24 hours before starting and my symptoms have to be subsiding.

I feel like I caught it from this chick that I think did it on purpose in the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving. That Wednesday night when I got off work I went to pick up a few things my wife wanted me to get, and I didn’t wear a mask when I went in like I usually do. The chick came up behind me and let out this huge cough that I took note of, but didn’t think was a big deal. Later when I was checking out, I looked up and she had this demented look on her face and was looking right at me.

My wife thinks I’m crazy, but I know people are wicked as all get out and do stuff like that. She can be very naive and likes to think the best of everyone. There’s people out there who will contract HIV and go to the club every week and sleep with as many people as they can trying to spread it. That’s how dirty and evil mugs can be. They will intentionally get others sick just to be evil. For all they know I live at home with an elderly mother who if she catches COVID is going to die, but they don’t care about that. It really is a shame. People need GOD in their life because if only the fear of GOD will keep some people from behaving like a savage then so be it. Anyways, I’m going to go rest a bit more and chill out. Be breezy…