Time consumed…

Man, time is so fleeting! I feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do with myself. Honestly, I wish I didn’t have to go to sleep. If I could skip sleeping, I’d have all the time I need to do what it is I want to do and go to work in the day time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way and you need sleep in order to function properly the next day. As it is, I really don’t get enough sleep to perform optimally.

I often find myself slightly scatter brained and doing things I probably wouldn’t do if I could get 9+ hours of sleep each night in bed. Sometimes I fall asleep at my desk at home and that’s not rejuvenating sleep at all. It’s not until I lay down in the bed that I feel I’m really resting and recovering from the activity of the day. But you know how it is. I want to stay up and DJ, or make beats, or watch people on Twitch/Youtube, or play my Playstation, etc. I even get up around 4:30am each AM so I can have some time to do some of those things before I have to head to my wage slavery.

I get the feeling that even people who are celebrities aren’t truly free. From the outside looking in, it looks like they have a lot of money and are living the life of Riley, but it’s not that at all. A lot of them have to participate in things they don’t want to. They are constantly dependent on the public “buying” their brand so they can stay relevant. A musician is only as good as their last album, or as the elites who control them say they can be. I won’t get conspiratorial, but they probably have to participate in things they really would rather not in order to stay in the graces of the “overseers”. That might explain why so many are drug and alcohol addicts.

Anyway, I’m grateful for everything in my life that doesn’t bring me displeasure. I hope that one day I can get a bit more of my time back. When I was working remotely during COVID, I was a lot happier. It wasn’t so bad being able to work at my home around my stuff and having more time to sleep in before I got to my computer to get to it. I could walk my dog Maggie more often and I could pet my feline Lucille and that kept them happy. I was able to make coffee for my wife in the AM and go to the grocery store on my lunch break to get add-ons for dinner that night. Maybe I should look for a remote position to find some of that happiness again in that regard.

It’s hump day Wednesday, and we’re almost to the weekend. Thanks for coming through and reading this. Stay safe, stay blessed, and keep looking for the truth about our reality and existence. Have a great rest of the week reader…