Puffin’ Newports..cause life’s a b*$@! and it’s too short…

So life has been a trip lately. Our car was having issues which caused me to miss some time from work and it was a pain in the butt to get repaired. Then we had a leak in the ceiling of our bottom floor apartment, which is requiring the entire bathroom area be demoed and re-done. As if that wasn’t enough, our poor little doggo Maggie started having seizures this past Saturday. Saturday was the first one myself and my wife noticed, but she’s had 3 more since then.

They seem to occur when she gets excited about food or going out and things like that. I’m not sure what is causing it, because we’ve had her for years without this issue. I did change her flea medication from Nexgard to K9 Advantix, and I’m wondering if that could be the cause. I feel so bad for her when she’s had them these past few days, because I can tell it scares her.

We need to take her to the vet, but money is tight and the vet is going to run you through the ringer with fees for different things. It really sucks. I ordered some Charlotte’s Web CBD dog chews that should hopefully be here by Wednesday, that I will give to her twice a day to see if it helps her. CBD, a component of hemp, has been shown to help people and animals that experience seizures.

The company that sells the products, Charlotte’s Web, is actually named after a little girl named Charlotte that had seizures very bad, and the CBD was the ONLY thing that would give her any relief and let her live a semi-normal life. I hope it helps Maggie, because I don’t want to see her go through that.

Life is crazy, and this type of “series of unfortunate events” is what makes so many people online and on Youtube feel like we are living in some type of hellish realm. I can think of one channel in particular where the guy feels that GOD is evil and his intent is to torture us all with these different bad things that keep happening in our lives. I don’t think GOD is some evil child holding a magnifying glass in the sun over us ants, but I often do wonder why we experience so much negativity and hardship in our lives.

There’s a lot of things I kind of have a grasp on, and a lot I don’t. I do believe we all get tested in life, no matter what walk of life we are in. From someone whose homeless on the street, to the King or Prince in a high castle, we all have things in life that test our morals, resolve, discipline, and values. The point is to pass those tests and be the best version of you that you can be. It’s not easy, but understanding that fact can go a long way towards helping you in the effort. Take it easy and have a great rest of the week. Peace….