So I bought a pyramid many months back off It’s a pyramid that goes on top of your head and is meant to be used in meditation and healing. I have to be honest with you, I feel a difference after I wear it for a while. I think it heals my brain or something like that. The reason I got it is because I’ve seen videos of people using it, and if you put an apple inside the pyramid, and leave it on the counter next to an apple outside of the pyramid, the apple in the pyramid will not spoil like the one outside does.
The people of Ancient Kemet, or Egypt, understood the power of the pyramid shape and used it in their daily life. The Great Pyramid of Giza was most likely some type of power source that may have even healed the populace in it’s heyday. Most people are not aware of the power of the pyramid, and they don’t utilize it. GOD created that power and we should use it to our advantage as best we can. I wear my pyramid on my head when I’m at home, or when I’m driving into work, and on my breaks at work. It keeps me from feeling negative and helps me maintain a positive outlook on life.
I am going to post a video onto my Youtube channel where I talk about it and how it has helped me out as of late. People need to look at our past to discover how we should move into the future. There are things in this world that most of us are not privy to because we’re not taught it and we don’t have the mind to ponder anything outside of the norm. There’s “magic” in this world, and it was put here by the creator. It would be wise for the good people of mankind to utilize this power, because the wicked people are definitely using the dark side of that power on us. Peace, love, and light to you reader. Have a great start to your work week.