December Update – Quick Tings!

Hi there reader! So it’s been a minute but I’m still alive so far. COVID hasn’t taken me out nor has some other stroke of misfortune. Money is pretty tight but who isn’t it like that for these days? Working from home all day drives the electric bill up, and you tend to eat more out of the fridge throughout the day when you’re constantly at home. Free coffee in the office versus having to brew a cup every morning is actually ends up a negative to your bank account. Also you drink more of your bottled water throughout the day among other things. So I was going to sell my Numark Scratch, but I saw someone ask DJ Qbert how many DJ mixers he has and he said 18! I figured if he can have 18 lord forbid I have a measly 2. So I am keeping it. It’s a nice mixer and Numark really packed a lot into the package for such a low price. Mine has an Innofader Pro in it, which cuts a lot tighter than the standard mini Innofader they come with. I’m going to put a Innofader PNP2 into it when I get the chips to purchase another one. I have the PNP2 in my Reloop Elite right now. In other news there are some family members and family friends that are sick. It sucks and facing mortality is never fun. I pray for them and hope they get well, but with my sister in law, if she passes on, it will putmy wife’s mom in a real bad predicament. In that house is my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and her son. Her son is older, but he doesn’t work much for whatever reason. Some people might say that’s being shiftless but I’m starting to believe the matrix program hasn’t taken hold of his brain like it has other people. They got me so bad I actually feel guilty when I’m not working. Anyway if my sister in law ascends, then it would be hard for her mom and her son to keep the place they are in now. So many people don’t have cushions or nest eggs or life insurance policies. They can’t afford that. It really sucks that we are born, we live, we work work work, then we die and often it leaves someone else in a jam be it with your bills or just not having your income anymore. I don’t think that’s how the good Lord intended for us to be living. When the Bible says to work 6 days and rest the 7th, those people in that time were tilling their own farm land and taking care of their own households. That was their “work”. This capitalism bs has got it all twisted and it’s founded in greed. I appreciate all the benefits of technology like DJ mixers and turntables and computers, but I think we could have attained all these things as a species, without breaking the backs of those allotted a lower position in society. They put nets around the warehouse where those Chinese people work so when they jump out they bounce right back into the window back into the assembly line. Well, maybe it doesn’t do that, but it keeps them from killing themselves. What does that say about things when you have to put up something like that? People are depressed, overworked, sleep deprived, angry, sad, and spiritually zapped a lot of times. Something has to give. The Hermetic prophecy has already been spoken, so we know how it ends, but to live in these times, it’s very rough. I wish I could live to see when God stamps out evil, and people return to the light and to God. Til next time…..