Guard your mind….

So it’s become more apparent to me that the human mind is the prized possession in this corner of the Universe. Do your diligent research into “MK Ultra”. Your mind is like a blank slate or a blank table. Imagine for a moment you were sitting at an empty table. And someone slid a picture of a nude woman onto that table. You could take that picture and run off to the bathroom and masturbate to it, or you could somehow relate it to the pretty girl that lives across the street and start devising a scheme to sneak up on her and violate her. This is how the mind is used and attacked. Whether you call it “the devil”, the darkness brothers, or evil, they are able to inject images or thoughts into a human beings mind in order to attempt to get you to react on them. The key is that you don’t have to react on them. That’s what free will is all about. Human beings have been tricked into believing that every thought that passes their mind is indeed their own or generated by they themselves. When people have an understanding that their minds can be assaulted by outside forces, then they would be able to combat those forces. That picture might not be that of a naked woman, it might be that of you being a big time drug dealer, or of you as a married executive businessman, forcing relations onto your subordinate secretary. Human beings have to deal with their own capacity for wickedness alone, but also realize that outside forces can interact with your thought process as well. Your mind and thoughts are simply on a certain frequency. Frequency is something in the air, satan is called the prince of the air. Guard your mind and only move on what is good.