
So I just wanted to post an update on my blog here. I hope some of my posts don’t come off like I’m this doom and gloom guy. There’s definitely things in life to be happy about and enjoy. I’m a big proponent of people having hobbies and things they do for personal enjoyment. Something that requires a complex skill is best I feel. Something that will take time and effort to get good at or master. I’ve chosen DJing and music production. While we are definitely living in “1984”, I do understand that it’s not as brazen as that book or movie portrayed. Our reality’s version is a lot more subtle and there’s more wiggle room. Sure you can’t ever quit working. I mean you can, but the alternative is homelessness and endless hunger, which to me is not much of an option. Even if you were adept at building personal dwellings you can’t just go to the beach and build one. They’ve locked that up so anything you live in has to be zoned, meet certain codes, and you have to pay property taxes on it. All of that requires procuring income which requires working in some capacity for monetary gain. I’m sure there’s people that would love to build their home on a piece of land, and have their daily work be the gardening that they do to grow their food and maintaining their household. With that being said getting along in the current state of society is not very difficult. Just grit your teeth and go to work daily. Make your money, pay your rent, buy your food and try to find a piece of happiness between all of that. That’s about all we can do at this point. DJing and music production is my outlet and I enjoy them very much so. Like so many people it feels like there’s never enough hours in the day sometimes to do all that I’d like to do. Sometimes you do want to just gel and do nothing or zone out watching Youtube videos. I need to finish some other sections of this site which I plan on working on during some upcoming vacation time. I also want to get into my Bible a lot more than I do. With that said keep scratching, keep mixing, and keep loving those tunes. Til next time….