Gut Health…

So gut health is very important to a person. The flora and fauna living in your stomach and intestines are very important to regulating your mood and how you feel. When you eat mostly fruits and veggies, and drink a lot of water, your gastro-intestinal system starts to manufacture healthy gut bacteria which makes you feel better and improves your life outlook. When you’re eating junk food and “food” like McDonald’s, it produces nasty bacteria that makes you feel depressed and like crap. Working musicians, which includes DJs, are very prone to having a poor diet. If you’re traveling with a rapper or band on tour, it’s hard to maintain a good balanced diet. They mostly eat fast food or generally food that’s very bad for you. In my last post I talked about people snapping, and this all ties in. The food advertised to people is mostly very bad for them. Burger King, Taco Bell, McDonalds… all that food is trash. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and that type of food is cheap so it’s what they go for. It’s still a vicious system and either the people in charge of our society are not very bright, don’t care, or they are doing it on purpose. People are being underpaid and having crap food pushed in their face on TV and other media, they go out and buy it and it makes them feel bad and generally unhealthy. They end up at the doctors which sustains the fraudulent healthcare industry in the country that mainly cares about money and getting you on medications. People usually do bad things the worse they feel which feeds the prison industrial complex. The US government really needs to invest some of those aircraft carrier billions into healthy eating initiatives and things to help people become their best self. Let McDonald’s peddle that poison in some other country. Sure they provide jobs, but the farms and systems needed to sustain healthy eating initiatives would employ people as well. It’s really a big mess and it’s going to take intelligent people being put in charge of things to make the necessary changes. How long that will take who knows. In the mean time, do your best to eat better and exercise. Definitely don’t start your children on the path to lifelong obesity and health issues by giving it to them at an early age. Til next time.