Sick puppy…

So my dog Maggie is not well. She has an abscess in her mouth which will require surgery. She was under the bed last night whining and she had a big cyst under her right eye for like a week now. I took time off work and took her to the animal clinic today. I tried to get into our regular vet, but they didn’t have an opening, so I had to go to the local animal clinic. It costs me a lot of money and they sent us home with some medication and the news that she will require a procedure that will cost 2 bands. It’s crazy man. I get that everyone is in the business of making money in this capitalist country, but what happened to being a vet because you love animals and want to help them? Why does every vet quote you some outrageous arse price for something that doesn’t seem that crazy. They don’t have to do a heart transplant on her, its pulling a tooth out and checking her other teeth for the love of GOD.

I really don’t get this world. Everything is bass ackwards in it. You move into an apartment and you’re a good tenant that pays your rent and doesn’t cause trouble… so they raise your rent on you. You should raise rent if a tenant is a constant problem or others complain about them. I watch a guy on Youtube that lives out of his truck now, and he says before he did he went through a cycle of moving into an apartment, then after his first lease expired, they’d raise the rent to an amount he couldn’t afford anymore, so he’d have to move to another apartment and repeat the cycle.

I don’t know about you reader, but I’m getting very tired of this. I just spent $182 at the grocery store and barely got much to eat and drink. Something has to give. They are gouging us at every angle and overcharging us for everything. The people on top and who own or are top management of these companies get richer and fatter while we toil at the bottom and struggle until our dying day some of us. It’s not right and something needs to change. Revolution doesn’t happen overnight unless its violent and I have a feeling that this is what the people are going to have to resort to in order to see a change. It’s only going to get worse and for the children now and to come, we have to change the course of how things are going in this world…..