Still sick with COVID -19…

So I’m still at home sick with COVID-19. I’m getting better, but I still have a mean cough where I cough up flemgh and I’m tired a lot. I also am still testing positive for COVID. It sucks because this was not a good time for me at work to go out like this. I have some issues I was trying to work out for users, and I kind of had to leave it in limbo since I’ve been out.

Hopefully when I get back, I can pick up where I left off and get back into the swing of things quickly. The doctor prescribed me Paxlovid, which I’ve been taking after having reservations about it at first. I’m not sure if it’s helping, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting me, so I’ll keep taking it. My wife says our doctors prescribed us that so we don’t “die” from COVID. That seems a bit extreme to me, but what do I know. I had actually convinced myself that I was immune to getting sick anymore because I had a strong body. Sure I’m probably doing better than my wife and another person might because of my physiology, but this COVID has definitely kicked my butt.

I know one thing is for sure, I am never taking my mask off around people again. I don’t want to experience this again, and I think my wife feels the same way. Her job is always making them go to quarterly meetings, and she wouldn’t wear her mask… I bet she will now. I’ll be wearing my mask to work every. day. I don’t trust people to not come to work sick or without checking themselves out for COVID if they feel bad at all. If I hadn’t tested myself for COVID when I did, my mom, her husband, and my brother and his wife would have all gotten sick.

You have to be responsible when it comes to stuff like that, and it pains me that I started slacking off when it comes to wearing my mask everywhere I go. They won’t catch me slipping again though. I am going to protect myself and my family, and I hope my wife will do the same. Prayerfully we’ll both get better soon and we can get back to our usual routines. Being sick is no fun and it takes you out of being able to do what your normally do. My dog isn’t getting walked as well, the dishes aren’t being done on the regular, we’re not eating as well because my wife isn’t up to cooking, etc.

I cook a bit, but I’m no where near the skill level my wife is when it comes to preparing meals. Anyway, hopefully soon we can get back on it. Peace and take care of yourself reader. L8r!