The technology among us…

So technology is pretty interesting. Human beings have made so many strides in tech over the last 100 years its incredible. Not only that, but the tech average citizens have access to pales in comparison to what the US government and other entities like that have access to.

Word is, they have accessed Stargates and are able to travel between dimensions and things of that nature. They have weapons that can induce a heart attack in a person from afar. A normal healthy person at that. They have weapons that can microwave you from the inside out. I also believe that they have the tech to alter space-time.

I saw a video with a young caucasian boy. It was very obvious from the way he carried himself and the way he spoke that he was an extremely intelligent person. He was discussing the “Mandela Effect” and what causes it. Basically he was saying that “they” were smashing atoms around at the great hadron collider, and they accidentally shifted us into a different dimension, where things are different. There are probably an infinite number of parallel universes that exist along side the one we’re in.

It can be mind boggling to think about, but the universe those of us that are living started in got destroyed in “them” messing with atoms. We then shifted in the the closest parallel universe, and in this universe, Sinbad never played as “Shazam“, but it was Shaquille O’Neal. That’s very interesting to think about, and it can really bake your noodle trying to wrap your head around it.

The point of this blog entry is to say that technology is here and it’s very dangerous. A lot of it has to deal with controlling or destroying the human form in some way. Us as GOD fearing, striving to be righteous people; we need to do our best to understand the technology at play in this reality we’re in. We need to do our research and understand the animal we’re up against as time goes along and cyborgs and robots become a thing.

I don’t have the answer, but I definitely want to stay in the loop on what’s going on and what might exist in the shadows that we aren’t privy to. That’s better than being ignorant and completely unaware of the machinations at play in this matrix we’re in. Peace, love, and light to you reader. Stay blessed.