State of Affairs

Hi there reader! Well it’s been a while since I’ve updated my site, but I plan on spending more time with it and keeping it updated as we move forward. I pay for this every month so I might as well use it to it’s fullest. Right now in the world, Russia recently invaded the Ukraine. Although there have been reports of Ukrainians being racist towards black Africans there, I still pray for them that they make it through this. I saw a post on Instagram from a caucasian Ukrainian that was scratching on his portable Reloop turntable. He mentioned he was stuck in his basement and that they are constantly hearing sirens, gunfire, and explosions. That’s terrible for anyone to have to endure and people should be allowed to live in peace, even the ones who may harbor some prejudice. Those people are just victims of misinformation and a lack of intellect to think for themselves. That prejudice is perpetuated by people who show black people as thugs, hoodlums, and a people lacking intelligence. It’s by design. I was reading today about a black neighborhood on the south side of Chicago that was called Bronzeville in the 1920’s to the 50’s. It was a hub of black culture, arts, commerce, and general black progression. “They” saw to it that it was destroyed by redlining, and infusing drugs into the communities. When I was growing up in Chicago you could see the remnants of Bronzeville, but it had been replaced by abandoned buildings, crack addicts, prostitution and crimes of all sorts. I don’t want to get too political or conspiratorial on this page anymore, but the last thing I’ll say on what’s going on in the world is that the good people of our planet need to come together to make a difference. We need to take back our planet from the darkness and bring it into the light. I know there’s a huge mountain ahead toward doing that, but we have to start climbing it one inch at a time. Take care of yourselves.

Blue vs Red

So I was driving behind a truck today and they had the MLB logo on the back. I guess the trucking company was sponsored by the MLB or they sponsored the MLB or something like that. It made me think how it’s so ironic that every “versus” idea in our society deals with blue vs red. All the major sports logos has a blue and red theme. Boxing is the blue corner and the red corner. Bloods vs Crips is blue vs red. I think even Blackstones vs GDs in Chicago is blue vs red. Who decided that narrative and what is the underlying meaning behind it? Why blue vs. red? It has to have some occult meaning that the average citizen doesn’t even think to ponder upon. Heck they got gang members drawing demonic sigils in their “tagging” of other people’s property. Until people wake up and start asking the real questions and looking for the real answers, we’ll keep getting played against one another and whoever is pulling the strings will continue to run roughshod over us. I hope this post made you think. Blue vs Red… what does it mean and where does it come from. Peace.


So I just wanted to post an update on my blog here. I hope some of my posts don’t come off like I’m this doom and gloom guy. There’s definitely things in life to be happy about and enjoy. I’m a big proponent of people having hobbies and things they do for personal enjoyment. Something that requires a complex skill is best I feel. Something that will take time and effort to get good at or master. I’ve chosen DJing and music production. While we are definitely living in “1984”, I do understand that it’s not as brazen as that book or movie portrayed. Our reality’s version is a lot more subtle and there’s more wiggle room. Sure you can’t ever quit working. I mean you can, but the alternative is homelessness and endless hunger, which to me is not much of an option. Even if you were adept at building personal dwellings you can’t just go to the beach and build one. They’ve locked that up so anything you live in has to be zoned, meet certain codes, and you have to pay property taxes on it. All of that requires procuring income which requires working in some capacity for monetary gain. I’m sure there’s people that would love to build their home on a piece of land, and have their daily work be the gardening that they do to grow their food and maintaining their household. With that being said getting along in the current state of society is not very difficult. Just grit your teeth and go to work daily. Make your money, pay your rent, buy your food and try to find a piece of happiness between all of that. That’s about all we can do at this point. DJing and music production is my outlet and I enjoy them very much so. Like so many people it feels like there’s never enough hours in the day sometimes to do all that I’d like to do. Sometimes you do want to just gel and do nothing or zone out watching Youtube videos. I need to finish some other sections of this site which I plan on working on during some upcoming vacation time. I also want to get into my Bible a lot more than I do. With that said keep scratching, keep mixing, and keep loving those tunes. Til next time….

Gut Health…

So gut health is very important to a person. The flora and fauna living in your stomach and intestines are very important to regulating your mood and how you feel. When you eat mostly fruits and veggies, and drink a lot of water, your gastro-intestinal system starts to manufacture healthy gut bacteria which makes you feel better and improves your life outlook. When you’re eating junk food and “food” like McDonald’s, it produces nasty bacteria that makes you feel depressed and like crap. Working musicians, which includes DJs, are very prone to having a poor diet. If you’re traveling with a rapper or band on tour, it’s hard to maintain a good balanced diet. They mostly eat fast food or generally food that’s very bad for you. In my last post I talked about people snapping, and this all ties in. The food advertised to people is mostly very bad for them. Burger King, Taco Bell, McDonalds… all that food is trash. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and that type of food is cheap so it’s what they go for. It’s still a vicious system and either the people in charge of our society are not very bright, don’t care, or they are doing it on purpose. People are being underpaid and having crap food pushed in their face on TV and other media, they go out and buy it and it makes them feel bad and generally unhealthy. They end up at the doctors which sustains the fraudulent healthcare industry in the country that mainly cares about money and getting you on medications. People usually do bad things the worse they feel which feeds the prison industrial complex. The US government really needs to invest some of those aircraft carrier billions into healthy eating initiatives and things to help people become their best self. Let McDonald’s peddle that poison in some other country. Sure they provide jobs, but the farms and systems needed to sustain healthy eating initiatives would employ people as well. It’s really a big mess and it’s going to take intelligent people being put in charge of things to make the necessary changes. How long that will take who knows. In the mean time, do your best to eat better and exercise. Definitely don’t start your children on the path to lifelong obesity and health issues by giving it to them at an early age. Til next time.

People snapping…

Sometimes we see in the news where some guy has gone off and started killing people at random, or he goes to his job and lets off at everybody in the building. I think that’s an extreme answer to a situation, but to quote Chris Rock, “I’m not saying I would do it, but I understand”. Dealing with people is not easy. Whether they are purposely trying to get under your skin, or they just DO that, it’s easy to see how someone can get fed up with things. Top that off with the state of the world and it’s easy to see why shooting sprees are happening more and more often. The way our cities are setup are catalysts for people losing it. They’ve done studies with rats where they put them all on top of each other in a small area. Some of the rats start to exhibit signs of mental illness and psychosis. Does that make the rat that this happened to “bad” or is the environment sick? It’s no coincidence that every morning it seems like everyone is on the same roads going the same way. It’s the ‘packed in rats’ every day for most people and it’s enough to drive a person mad. Top that off with the nonsense that goes on at jobs and I’m honestly surprised there’s not many more shootings happening. One of my internet buddies once told me he will never work retail again because of the attitude people have and the way they treat you. Those people are just pissed about traffic every day, the price of a tank of gas, the price of their apartment, the low wage they are paid among other things. They end up taking it out on the retail employee adding to his personal misery. It’s an endless vicious cycle. Where does it stop? Maybe it doesn’t and someone wants it that way. Who is that someone or someones is the question we need to be asking as people living in a society. Some people feels it’s “being negative” to complain about those things or to talk about it, but it’s a topic that needs a light shined on it. Until it is, there will be more guys killing everyone at work or in the house… more mothers drowning their kids in the bathtub, among many other aggressive, lashing out situations that occur in our society. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I definitely understand the question. Do you?

GodsOwn DJ Scratch Trax

So I finally got my scratch looper tracks up on Bandcamp. Check them out at the link here:

I’m looking forward to making more beat albums and next time it will be full fledged fleshed out beats. It sucks that I can’t use samples but I’ll have to work with what I can work with. I have subscriptions to tracklib and and between the two I should be able to get some dope tracks done. If you decide to buy the scratch looper I want to say thanks in advance and I really appreciate you. I’m only asking for $3 for it. I’m not looking to get rich off music. I love music and kind of always have. Bob Marley, James Brown, Rick James, and other genres of music have always been a part of my life. I remember dancing to Cameo with my mom when I was a little kid. Anyway, to all the DJs out there I hope you enjoy the looper and take care of yourselves. L8r!

The allegory of the cave

So I read an interpretation of the allegory of the cave by Plato and I believe it to be completely incorrect. First the allegory says to imagine people chained with their heads propped up looking at a cave wall. That’s all they can see. Behind them though, is a humongous fire and people carrying things back and forth and the world outside. The people cannot see the fire or the people carrying things, all they can see is the shadows dancing on the walls from all this behind them. The site I looked at talked about how if you take that person they begin to believe that the shadows on the cave are reality and that if you show them the fire and the people carrying things, they would reject is as imaginary. Then the allegory talks about taking the person all the way outside and them being blinded by the sun. The site seems to believe the shadows on the wall represent echoes, perception, reflections and other images. It also says that the things being carried around and the fire stand for things in the physical world. And it believes that the things outside the cave stand for ideal forms. I wholeheartedly disagree. What Plato is alluding to in this allegory, is that people are being shown a mirage of what reality is. Take our time for example. The media portrays a narrative that is not true, they have people believing right now that they need to get a COVID vaccine so they don’t DIE. They have people believing that black people are the majority of people killed and murdered by police when the statistics say otherwise. People believe this avatar they are walking around in is the real them. They judge each other based off this avatar, they become attached to it and that’s all programmed in from a very early age. The shadows dancing on the wall represent the falsehoods we are led to believe from childhood from all different types of mediums. I’m sure it was the same story in Plato’s time. He existed in what was a great civilization of it’s day. The fact that the people reject the fire and the people carrying things as imaginary is exactly what happens now. People are so used to the BS that when you present them with the truth they reject it. They think it’s conspiracy theory or false. When you “take them outside” in to the sun, they are blinded by the light and they want to go back into the cave. The allegory mentions Plato saying the Sun represented the source which is God. People constantly reject God in favor of what the world has presented to them as whats “it”, desirable, and relevant. It’s just like when Neo was shown the Matrix. He got sick and didn’t want to believe it. Some people are so used to the lies and the Matrix, that they would rather deal with that since they are comfortable with it instead of the truth which the truth is God. They are so used to being in the dark that they are not comfortable when you bring them into the light. Ignorance is bliss for many though, so I’d say Jesus is going to have a heck of a time converting people when he makes his return if that’s even his mission when he does. People can be very ignorant, and unwilling to listen to a different point of view. You see it all the time on social media and just in the world in general. I don’t know if anything will ever change that as it may be a part of human nature. At least human nature as it’s grown to become or more likely been programmed to be. Perhaps there was once a time when we weren’t like that but it is what is is today. That’s just my interpretation of the allegory of the cave, but I feel it’s an accurate one. If you’re not looking at most significant things from a God (the Sun in the allegory) centered perspective, you’re looking at it wrong. Everything ends with the source (God) and to be quite frank that’s our mission on this earth. The world would have you believe your life is about getting money, or a designer shoe, or having somebody think you’re sexy, but that’s not it at all. It’s all about returning to God the source. Your goal should be to not fail that mission. We all start off rocky, but I think it’s best to listen to wise people and seek out knowledge of God wherever you can. Keep working as will I.

Scratch Looper Album incoming…

Hi there. So I’m still among the living for now. Trying to enjoy life. Still practicing scratching and making beats between working and sleeping. I need to get to the record shop and do some crate diggin’ to find some good music to sample for fun. That’s a pretty cool past-time for hip hop heads. I wish I’d known about the MPC in the 90s or Djing in general. I’d be so far along by now. Oh well, all things have their seasons in our lives. Right now is the season for music in my life, although I’ve always loved music, especially hip hop. I’m working on putting a Scratch looper beat album on my Bandcamp site. It’s almost ready and I’ll post a link to it on this site once it’s up. All the beats are ready to go, I just have to get the artwork/logo ready for it. You know as we move into the age of AI and robotics, people are going to have find a new grind to get cream to quote Wutang. Trying to become a Youtube persona or selling your creative works online is going to be a major hustle for people in the near future. If you can build a decent following on Youtube, you can make enough money from the ad revenue to sustain yourself. That’s not an easy thing to do, but plenty of people are doing it. Pretty soon all the manual labor jobs will be taken over by robots, so people better start using this whole internet thing to their advantage. Word to the wise. Take care!

Crazy times… DJ through it…

Man this COVID situation is getting very old. I enjoy working from home, and I’m glad that companies have gotten to see that people can work from home and productivity is not completely shot. They are still making money, people are a lot less stressed out from sitting in traffic to and from work also. I hate that people had to die for corporate America to realize this. Perhaps we’ll get a small reprieve of that type of stuff before they replace us all with AI and robots. That’s a whole different conversation, but DJing has gotten me through the pandemic seriously. I love scratching and love my music, so getting to jump on the decks at break time throughout the day (and sometimes not.. hehe) has been really awesome and takes my mind off things. I don’t understand how people go to work everyday and don’t have any type of hobby to do in their free time. I guess a lot of those people’s hobby is TV, but that’s a pretty sucky hobby. All TV is there for is to exacerbate consumerism, and sway the narrative of the mass consciousness. Yes there’s some cool dramatic shows on there, but what else comes with it makes me leave it alone entirely. I’d rather watch someone’s podcast on Youtube or watch someone DJ or play a game on Twitch. I have to remind myself to be content with my DJ setup and be grateful that I have it. There’s people out there who would love to have the turntables and mixer I have. They are on a DDJ-200 or something even lower than that. Gratitude is something that’s a huge part of our mission here in this lifetime. That and embracing love. I know I’m still working on both of those things, but I do see progress. I still hate driving and hate being in crowded stores, but I find I have genuine concern for my fellow man. I won’t go into examples because that’s between me and God, but I pray that everyone finds who they are and finds God so they can transcend and get off this rollercoaster called planet Earth. Heaven awaits….

DJ distractions…

Hey what’s up. So I’ve decided to try and eliminate as many distractions as I can when I start practicing after work. I want to spend as much of my free time as I can scratching, beat-juggling, mixing, and just working on my turntablism in general. Watching Youtube videos or watching people on Twitch is a tremendous time suck. It’s good for me to watch Youtube videos of DJs showing how to do certain techniques or watching Twitch sets to learn new transitions or ways of doing things, but watching videos about how we’re all going to die at the hands of the government or how every celebrity plays 2K with satan is a waste of my time. I very badly want to become a great DJ. Not to get rich, but just to do it. I like the craft and at a high level it intrigues me and satisfies something in my psyche. I want to get to that point and I know it’s going to take years of constantly doing it. After working in IT for 8 hours, I’m going to turn off my computer and just go in front of my decks and get busy until it’s time to go to bed moving forward. I think the angels have been trying to tell me that and I’m choosing to listen. Anyone that’s reading this just remember that to get better at anything takes time and pressure. By pressure I meant keep pressing on it. Keep doing it. Looking forward to getting elite. Take it easy….