A Gray State

You should check out the movie “A Gray State” on Netflix. It’s more of a documentary about a movie that was to be made. As you watch it, look at what a huge snowjob it is. That young guy, was a born leader, extremely organized, had military training, knowledge of Agenda 21 and NWO initiatives, and was motivated. He was a very big threat to the plans of those in the shadows. Do they really expect us to believe that 2 grown adults both “went crazy” and killed themselves and their daughter? You know that scene with his “father” who played the video of the guy AND his wife talking cryptically about some entity they’d encountered gave everything away. Now either that was fake, which is why the camera was pointed at a lamp the entire time, or it was real, and those people were being affected by mind control. There was another video they showed where it seemed as though the mother was talking about hearing a voice or entity in the home. I posted already about MK Ultra and mind control.. that’s very real. They can make people do things by convincing them they are interacting with a deity or supernatural force that has their interest at heart. The fact that they tried to make it seem as though both adults had lost their mind is really the trigger here. Sure there are instances when mold spores, or something they both were eating at dinner, could have caused psychosis in them, but pull back and look at the big picture here. You have a young, militaristic, perfectionist, leader of a young white guy who is making a film about the impending doom of people in society. He’s putting all the pieces in place to get the film worked out and is succeeding. All of a sudden him and his wife apparently kill themselves and their 5 year old daughter whom they love very much? That doesn’t make sense. There is obvious foul play involved and it’s unfortunate that the guy and people don’t investigate further the weapons used against people. They may have been mind controlled. Guard your mind and guard yourself. The Hermetic Prophecy does talk about God ridding the world of evil, but God works through people on this earth. Be his instrument in whatever way you can. You are not superman or superwoman, but do your part to bring good in.