Crazy times… DJ through it…

Man this COVID situation is getting very old. I enjoy working from home, and I’m glad that companies have gotten to see that people can work from home and productivity is not completely shot. They are still making money, people are a lot less stressed out from sitting in traffic to and from work also. I hate that people had to die for corporate America to realize this. Perhaps we’ll get a small reprieve of that type of stuff before they replace us all with AI and robots. That’s a whole different conversation, but DJing has gotten me through the pandemic seriously. I love scratching and love my music, so getting to jump on the decks at break time throughout the day (and sometimes not.. hehe) has been really awesome and takes my mind off things. I don’t understand how people go to work everyday and don’t have any type of hobby to do in their free time. I guess a lot of those people’s hobby is TV, but that’s a pretty sucky hobby. All TV is there for is to exacerbate consumerism, and sway the narrative of the mass consciousness. Yes there’s some cool dramatic shows on there, but what else comes with it makes me leave it alone entirely. I’d rather watch someone’s podcast on Youtube or watch someone DJ or play a game on Twitch. I have to remind myself to be content with my DJ setup and be grateful that I have it. There’s people out there who would love to have the turntables and mixer I have. They are on a DDJ-200 or something even lower than that. Gratitude is something that’s a huge part of our mission here in this lifetime. That and embracing love. I know I’m still working on both of those things, but I do see progress. I still hate driving and hate being in crowded stores, but I find I have genuine concern for my fellow man. I won’t go into examples because that’s between me and God, but I pray that everyone finds who they are and finds God so they can transcend and get off this rollercoaster called planet Earth. Heaven awaits….