DJ distractions…

Hey what’s up. So I’ve decided to try and eliminate as many distractions as I can when I start practicing after work. I want to spend as much of my free time as I can scratching, beat-juggling, mixing, and just working on my turntablism in general. Watching Youtube videos or watching people on Twitch is a tremendous time suck. It’s good for me to watch Youtube videos of DJs showing how to do certain techniques or watching Twitch sets to learn new transitions or ways of doing things, but watching videos about how we’re all going to die at the hands of the government or how every celebrity plays 2K with satan is a waste of my time. I very badly want to become a great DJ. Not to get rich, but just to do it. I like the craft and at a high level it intrigues me and satisfies something in my psyche. I want to get to that point and I know it’s going to take years of constantly doing it. After working in IT for 8 hours, I’m going to turn off my computer and just go in front of my decks and get busy until it’s time to go to bed moving forward. I think the angels have been trying to tell me that and I’m choosing to listen. Anyone that’s reading this just remember that to get better at anything takes time and pressure. By pressure I meant keep pressing on it. Keep doing it. Looking forward to getting elite. Take it easy….