People snapping…

Sometimes we see in the news where some guy has gone off and started killing people at random, or he goes to his job and lets off at everybody in the building. I think that’s an extreme answer to a situation, but to quote Chris Rock, “I’m not saying I would do it, but I understand”. Dealing with people is not easy. Whether they are purposely trying to get under your skin, or they just DO that, it’s easy to see how someone can get fed up with things. Top that off with the state of the world and it’s easy to see why shooting sprees are happening more and more often. The way our cities are setup are catalysts for people losing it. They’ve done studies with rats where they put them all on top of each other in a small area. Some of the rats start to exhibit signs of mental illness and psychosis. Does that make the rat that this happened to “bad” or is the environment sick? It’s no coincidence that every morning it seems like everyone is on the same roads going the same way. It’s the ‘packed in rats’ every day for most people and it’s enough to drive a person mad. Top that off with the nonsense that goes on at jobs and I’m honestly surprised there’s not many more shootings happening. One of my internet buddies once told me he will never work retail again because of the attitude people have and the way they treat you. Those people are just pissed about traffic every day, the price of a tank of gas, the price of their apartment, the low wage they are paid among other things. They end up taking it out on the retail employee adding to his personal misery. It’s an endless vicious cycle. Where does it stop? Maybe it doesn’t and someone wants it that way. Who is that someone or someones is the question we need to be asking as people living in a society. Some people feels it’s “being negative” to complain about those things or to talk about it, but it’s a topic that needs a light shined on it. Until it is, there will be more guys killing everyone at work or in the house… more mothers drowning their kids in the bathtub, among many other aggressive, lashing out situations that occur in our society. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I definitely understand the question. Do you?